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Day cycles messed up


New Member
Hello everyone,

My red and blue both have their day and night cycle reversed. My blue blue comes out about 7-9 pm and my Red comes out at least after midnight. I thought my Red was brumating but I've noticed substrate moved where she buries herself so I believe she's coming out in the early hours of the day.
I've thought about turning the lights off to follow the cycle normally but I'm just panicked that they will get too cold at night when they do come out. Is that the best solution or should I wake them up daily until they are back on track?



Active Member
5 Year Member
IMO I would get them on a timer. Timers don't cost too much and it helps out a lot. After a few weeks time you should see a change in their behavior. I have all of my pet enclosures on timers even my saltwater fish tank. Life happens and it's hard to be consistent with turning the lights on and off day in and day out.


New Member
IMO I would get them on a timer. Timers don't cost too much and it helps out a lot. After a few weeks time you should see a change in their behavior. I have all of my pet enclosures on timers even my saltwater fish tank. Life happens and it's hard to be consistent with turning the lights on and off day in and day out.
Ok I'll go buy one tomorrow! Thank you!


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Yes get a timer to set up a 24 hour cycle .......... but also there's the adjustments for the seasonal year too........ Eg. 16 hours day cycle in summer and 8 hours winter or there abouts, I don't have a particular set time to do this, I just let the sun guide me and adjust it an hour at a time over a couple of month.

NIGHT TIME HEAT: Most people keep there houses at around 20-22c (68-72f) which is Ideal for a tegu so no overnight is needed.


New Member
5 Year Member
Instead of a traditional timer, you might consider a smart plug. You can set the timer manually pretty easily, or some of them can schedule to turn on/off at sunrise/sunset. This automates the seasonal change in light cycles.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
Prescott, AZ
Para Para - good idea about the smart plug - I'm going to try that. I'm wanting to change my timers because they keep failing, and somehow manage to undo the setup. My male only half brumates. His day/night cycle isn't off but he's in some weird limbo that I'd like to fix.

For Mandi/Mushu - I just wanted to say that Tegus aren't that hard to get to conform to your schedule. They start to get the routine of whatever's going on pretty quickly. Maybe your Tegu is like mine, and can't decide what it wants to do - brumate, or hang out with everybody. Either way - they respond to routine quickly and I wouldn't worry about him being awake at night. Mine did that when he was young too. He's getting the temps he needs, and one easy way to start getting the routine back is food. Don't cater to him at all at night. Getting him up and out during the day sounds like the right track to me. He'll soon come to expect it.

Dude Bro Man 433

New Member
Timers are a must, I keep a 75 watt on 24hrs and two other heat lamps so it hits the whole body for basking during the day, my house does get under 65.

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