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For those looking for Blues

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
No bashing here,.. but the link is still posted on fauna.

I had a Blue,.. would love to and will have another one. Truth be told he could have some top notch blues in his possession. I have read the post I don't know how many times, looked at it from different angles but it comes back the same way.

He says he has "different Blues from as diverse bloodlines as he could find" and "as diverse a genetic group as possible".

Like I said before his own words make him and his motives suspect and questionable. Would have been better just to say that he has clutches on the ground that are due soon. There's no shortage of people wanting and looking for Blues,.. there are 3 pages of people who are already interested. So there's no need for the smoke screen and everything extra.


Active Member
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5 Year Member
Bubblz Calhoun said:
No bashing here,.. but the link is still posted on fauna.

I had a Blue,.. would love to and will have another one. Truth be told he could have some top notch blues in his possession. I have read the post I don't know how many times, looked at it from different angles but it comes back the same way.

He says he has "different Blues from as diverse bloodlines as he could find" and "as diverse a genetic group as possible".

Like I said before his own words make him and his motives suspect and questionable. Would have been better just to say that he has clutches on the ground that are due soon. There's no shortage of people wanting and looking for Blues,.. there are 3 pages of people who are already interested. So there's no need for the smoke screen and everything extra.

I don't care either way, but his statements that is quoted here are true. He did find as diverse bloodline as he could and as diverse of a genetic group as possible, maybe they are related but that is what is available. So technically he isn't lying.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
How? Even if the Originals came in as 3 separate breeding pairs, 2 males + 4 females, 1 male and 5 females or what ever. Their offspring still carry the same genetics and bloodlines there's nothing diverse about it.

Especially after how ever many years of so many people breeding them in captivity willy nilly and not keeping records. Just because you have a male from Florida and a female from Arizona in no way does that change their genetics or bloodlines. On top of that we don't even know how many from each pairing or clutch survived. Were sold to the public,.. lived to sexual maturity and bred or not. With out a track record either way the gene pool shrinks even more.

Unless someone went on a little excursion over seas,.. and or worked something out,.. and ended up with a little something extra in their baggage or shipment. It's not possible.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
What I am saying is, if there are very few to work with and he has all of them (just as an example) he has as diverse of a group as possible (legally). I'm not saying they aren't being inbred, but he found as diverse of a group as he could with what is available.


New Member
Bubblz Calhoun said:
No bashing here,.. but the link is still posted on fauna.

I had a Blue,.. would love to and will have another one. Truth be told he could have some top notch blues in his possession. I have read the post I don't know how many times, looked at it from different angles but it comes back the same way.

He says he has "different Blues from as diverse bloodlines as he could find" and "as diverse a genetic group as possible".

Like I said before his own words make him and his motives suspect and questionable. Would have been better just to say that he has clutches on the ground that are due soon. There's no shortage of people wanting and looking for Blues,.. there are 3 pages of people who are already interested. So there's no need for the smoke screen and everything extra.
I think your statement is correct. We are not talking Rocket Science. We are not searching for life on distant planets in this forum. To quote: "There is nothing new under the Sun" truly applies here. If someone says "Here, I have something special, something unique", many will be interested. It incites interest. So perhaps he is promoting his own endeavor, most likely so in my opinion. What difference does it make to any of us? If he has Blues and sells them, so be it. But they are no different than you and I. They are offspring from what was already here, as Bobby said. Remember "There is nothing new under the sun".


New Member

This is one gorgeous tegu. If I had the money... but I don't so someone else snatch it up! :)


5 Year Member
OK Folks...
Hi! Howaya? Been a while...
I have had personal experience with Russ Gurley. In my experience, he's a nice enough fellow with applicable knowledge of the species. Although all these claims that blues are from 6 lizards, presumably from the same clutch may indeed be true, one cannot fault the man for attempting to do the best he can to diversify in getting them from different sources. Anyone looking to attempt an "Extreme" breeding project, needs to look at themselves before screaming foul here. We all love the animals and hope for the best stock we can get. I personally had some of the finest stock available and was looking to breed. I found myself in a bind I had no way out of to continue my projects. I had to sell off everything that would not fit into my car and move nearly 1900 miles from what had become my home.
At any rate, in selling off my stock, my prized female Blue Tegu, Belle found a home with Mr. Gurley. Gurley had told me of his project and assured me that he had quite the facility in which to house her and sent me a few pictures. Everyone wanted my stock and all tried to beat me down on my higher premium pricing. To this, my reaction was, "You get what you pay for. I have THE best available(if not only available as well) and if you don't want them someone else will, no worries." Having stuck to my guns, I sold Belle for $700 at less than a year old, yet positively sexed as a female. A week of so after having shipped her out, Mr. Gurley asked for my mailing address, as I had been friendly with Bert Langerwerf and he said he had some "information" to share with me. I gave the address and within another week, and autographed copy of "Lizard Man" arrived in my mailbox, free of charge. I'd had no idea he was the co-author of the book about the man that brought the tegu lizards we all love into the pet trade.
Now, I don't know about all you folks, but that doesn't sound like such a suspect kind of person to me. True, he is hard to get hold of, but some people are just that way. His physical address is so far out it takes a special trip for UPS and such to reach him. I would imagine he is somewhat secretive and likes his privacy. I can't blame him there, I'd love a house smack in the middle of at least 5+ acres with no neighbors to speak of myself! On the accuracy of info in the book, I still haven't read it myself, but there are new things discovered ALL THE TIME where reptiles are concerned and even the most devout scientists are found to be mistaken on theories that they had become famous for perpetuating.
Bottom line: Do ya want a blue tegu or not?! I mean, really?! I personally liked them, possibly somewhat more than the rest(because they didn't fully hibernate and I interacted with them more as a result) but all my babies were awesome. And... that's my 2 cents on the subject.


5 Year Member
Hi Bubblz!
I see some things have not changed so much around here and some are very much different.
I must say, I did like the old format of the site much better.
I'm still trying to get re-grouped so I may get back to my herps. I miss my pretty kritters!
Hoping to be back at it by next year. I imagine that's the best I'd be able to do at this point but I'm working toward it.

chris allen

5 Year Member
Beasty said:
OK Folks...
Hi! Howaya? Been a while...
I have had personal experience with Russ Gurley. In my experience, he's a nice enough fellow with applicable knowledge of the species. Although all these claims that blues are from 6 lizards, presumably from the same clutch may indeed be true, one cannot fault the man for attempting to do the best he can to diversify in getting them from different sources. Anyone looking to attempt an "Extreme" breeding project, needs to look at themselves before screaming foul here. We all love the animals and hope for the best stock we can get. I personally had some of the finest stock available and was looking to breed. I found myself in a bind I had no way out of to continue my projects. I had to sell off everything that would not fit into my car and move nearly 1900 miles from what had become my home.
At any rate, in selling off my stock, my prized female Blue Tegu, Belle found a home with Mr. Gurley. Gurley had told me of his project and assured me that he had quite the facility in which to house her and sent me a few pictures. Everyone wanted my stock and all tried to beat me down on my higher premium pricing. To this, my reaction was, "You get what you pay for. I have THE best available(if not only available as well) and if you don't want them someone else will, no worries." Having stuck to my guns, I sold Belle for $700 at less than a year old, yet positively sexed as a female. A week of so after having shipped her out, Mr. Gurley asked for my mailing address, as I had been friendly with Bert Langerwerf and he said he had some "information" to share with me. I gave the address and within another week, and autographed copy of "Lizard Man" arrived in my mailbox, free of charge. I'd had no idea he was the co-author of the book about the man that brought the tegu lizards we all love into the pet trade.
Now, I don't know about all you folks, but that doesn't sound like such a suspect kind of person to me. True, he is hard to get hold of, but some people are just that way. His physical address is so far out it takes a special trip for UPS and such to reach him. I would imagine he is somewhat secretive and likes his privacy. I can't blame him there, I'd love a house smack in the middle of at least 5+ acres with no neighbors to speak of myself! On the accuracy of info in the book, I still haven't read it myself, but there are new things discovered ALL THE TIME where reptiles are concerned and even the most devout scientists are found to be mistaken on theories that they had become famous for perpetuating.
Bottom line: Do ya want a blue tegu or not?! I mean, really?! I personally liked them, possibly somewhat more than the rest(because they didn't fully hibernate and I interacted with them more as a result) but all my babies were awesome. And... that's my 2 cents on the subject.
Too many people are quick to assume, or listen to someone else before researching themselves. It's funny also how people have only heard of this original group of 6 blues and insist there could not be any other blood in the country. Funny how I had a younger blue that came from a pet shop, not knowing it was a blue. Wonder where it came from? Accidents happen, and nobody knows everything that goes on in this country.
The "extremes" are a great comparison that I have brought up in conversation with others. If anyone wants to continue that line, they will have to be inbred at some point. How many of them were there to start with?
Good post, and I too had a good transaction with Russ over a year ago, sending him a blue tegu and some beardies.


I just bought one (a blue )from a young man on craigslist today. After searching for a reasonably priced one for about two years only to have a certain person end up buying t hem from under me and everyone else then flipping them within 24 hours for twice what they paid. I finally found someone close by and dove headlong into and picked it up. MY FIRST BLUE AND i ALREADY LOVE IT. PIC COMING SOON

BTW I still think there are other blues brought into the country ,JUST like the beardies smuggled out of Australia and the three YELLOW not gold tegus , the fella had in Fla. I wish I had one of those. Stunning animals


Bubblz Calhoun said:
Got10 do you have a link or were there picks of the yellow tegus,..:s I think I missed that?

dont have the link but there are pics posted on this site of them also . T.Duseni


New Member
Here's the link to the yellow tegus- beautiful animals http://www.tegutalk.com/showthread.php?tid=6819#axzz1Q2TlMNgS

got10 said:
Bubblz Calhoun said:
Got10 do you have a link or were there picks of the yellow tegus,..:s I think I missed that?

dont have the link but there are pics posted on this site of them also . T.Duseni


I just saw someone selling "Yellow tegus" ,When i looked into the add it was just a gold tegu . What a bunch of bull hocky


Former Admin
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Chris, your boy is a liar, that much I know is a fact, he is off on another forum talking smack right now, just more lies, just like his book. The (want a be needs) to get a life and he needs to really start stating facts, fiction don't hold much water with me, like his joke of a book.

As for the Extremes, that is not a problem, I will not even sell a related pair, bottom line.


New Member
woah bobby, lets calm down with the slandering of other breeders. He's trying to do the same thing you are, so be respectful.

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