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For those looking for Blues


Active Member
5 Year Member
Reptifam said:
woah bobby, lets calm down with the slandering of other breeders. He's trying to do the same thing you are, so be respectful.
Yeah Bobby, I respect you as a breeder but the bottom line is he has something you don't and you seem to have a problem with it. I have seen the extra stock that he sold off, which I am assuming wasn't his best, and they were some damn nice looking animals. Your extremes have what maybe 2 unrelated bloodlines? Eventually you are going to have to cross those bloodlines and it will all come downhill from there. If not you are just breeding the same bloodline over and over again. The cycle can't continue forever. I saw a WC blue for sale from some random store in Arizona one time, yet I'm sure that wasn't new blood or anything. You may have some bone to pick yet you say that he is going around talking smack on a forum. Exactly what are you doing then? You attacked him for his ad on one forum and he came back on another. What did you expect?


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Let's not bicker or be disrespectful - any of us. We can discuss the facts with civility or we'll have to close the thread. Keep it friendly please


New Member
TegusRawsome80 said:
Reptifam said:
woah bobby, lets calm down with the slandering of other breeders. He's trying to do the same thing you are, so be respectful.
Yeah Bobby, I respect you as a breeder but the bottom line is he has something you don't and you seem to have a problem with it. I have seen the extra stock that he sold off, which I am assuming wasn't his best, and they were some damn nice looking animals. Your extremes have what maybe 2 unrelated bloodlines? Eventually you are going to have to cross those bloodlines and it will all come downhill from there. If not you are just breeding the same bloodline over and over again. The cycle can't continue forever. I saw a WC blue for sale from some random store in Arizona one time, yet I'm sure that wasn't new blood or anything. You may have some bone to pick yet you say that he is going around talking smack on a forum. Exactly what are you doing then? You attacked him for his ad on one forum and he came back on another. What did you expect?

word brotha!


5 Year Member
Not trying to take sides but the rules should apply to everyone not certain people,cause some people can talk crap and when others do it then its no good.You have to give respect to get it bottom line as stated before were here to help and learn not to talk people down or be disrespectful to anybody no matter,WHO YOU ARE,race,religion,etc.:-/


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
IMO theres a slight difference in bobbys giants and the blues, he has kept tracks of his giants linage and when you buy one you know wehther you can breed them or not, wereas the blues were just bred and no one kept records therefore inbreeding occured, so bobby is justified in defending his giants vs. The blues, lets keep this civilized guys


5 Year Member
As far as bobby giants go i could be wrong but i know this for a fact bobby got some of his giants from Ben siegel's reptiles as this is what he told me on the phone some years back,so really he started breeding them and who knows if any of the parents are related,and this was what bobby had told me on the phone,and i'm thinking as he started breeding them he kept track of the blood lines he breed,but hes not 100% sure if the origanal adults he got off ben are related.Blues from what i heard the whole story that there were six blues that were brought over here that started blues being breed,that dont mean there isnt healthy blues or a breeder that breeds blues doesnt have good bloodlines, and this to is hear say right?Why do certain breeders hat on other breeders that breed just like them and sell healthy lizards i dont get it.As long as the breeder is not breeding the same bloodlines together and are keeping track of there blue bloodlines then good for them damn do you and other breeders stop hating.:-/


Former Admin
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I am not going to stay on this thread as I really don't have the time to hash out nothing but pure garbage.

I will say this, I don't like lies told about me, do you? I also don't like lies told about a very close friend of mine that passed away, would you like it if it happen to you?

And he will never be like me, not even close, enough said.

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