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Looking for Ideas on the tegu give away contest?


5 Year Member
Arcata, CA
you take a picture and come up with a witty caption or dialogue for who (or what) is in the pic.

here's an example: http://rjknits.blogspot.com/2009/05/caption-contest-3-and-winner-is.html


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
What if the contest was to find any photo of a tegu and add a funny caption to it. The funniest photo/caption combo wins. We can all vote to choose our favorites - most votes wins.
I've done many contests like this, it's easy, fair, and fun!


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
but not all of us have tegus....and there arent that many pics online of them either.


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5 Year Member
I feel the free Tegu should be given to someone as a reward for doing something that proves their dedication to owning that Tegu...

Sure the caption contest would be more fun, but this is a "contest" not a "game"...


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I'm sure there will be other contests down the road, whichever ideas don't get picked can be used for other things. Wasn't there a thread a few weeks ago about games and contests or something? Or maybe it was just prize ideas.. Idk, either way I think that with more games and contests it will help to get the forum more active.


New Member
I think you have to look at the people who use the forum ...

Some are teachers and collage students some veterinarians...

To expect some eighth grader to compete in an essay contest [let alone me ] isn`t very realistic ..

The only fair way is to pick a name out of a hat ...


5 Year Member
montana said:
I think you have to look at the people who use the forum ...

Some are teachers and collage students some veterinarians...

To expect some eighth grader to compete in an essay contest [let alone me ] isn`t very realistic ..

The only fair way is to pick a name out of a hat ...

Good point.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I see what you guys are saying. It seems like they've mostly decided in the caption contest or something similar. Obviously I wouldn't be the ones going over the essays but if it were my thing I wouldn't judge them based on grammar and blah blah. I would look for more of the facts and over all knowledge etc.


New Member
The cage building contest sounds like a fun idea, that way the people planning on getting a tegu eventually can create a cool cage, even if they dont win itd still give them a place to get started.

I enjoy going through the cage building threads to see allthe new ways people are building their tegu homes, and there are already quite a few good cage builders on here. I'd just like to see more how tos on cages and the creativity people put into them.

Cage Building also allows the new Tegu owner to do research on the living conditions the tegu needs, I'm not sure if this is true for every one but looking up some info may lead to wanting to know more about tegus.

I liked the essay idea because I feel there isnt very much info on tegu's. But like most of you guys said, it wouldnt be fair to some and reading a ton of essays doesnt sound very fun for the judges.

What about an art contest? Everyone has their own form of art, it could be making a sculpture out of toothpicks or tissues, etc. Or painting, drawing, etc. Or even writing a silly tegu story or poem, and photography. You could come up with submission rules; how many works one person can enter. Guide lines to follow, like it needs to be a tegu, etc.

The caption contest could fit into an art contest too for those who have tegus and
are able to take photographs. An art contest might be fair to those who dont have tegus yet and cant find images to caption as well as those that do have tegus and enjoy taking pictures to caption.

Whatcha guys think of that?
(sorry for typos its hard to write posts on a phone)


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I thought a cage building idea would be pretty cool but not everyone starts their tegus out in the adult sized enclosures or builds their own. Again, I'm not entering it but I didn't build either of my enclosures. One was a $50 CL find and the other one (and the girl tegus) belonged to a high school acquaintance (sp?).
I think most people on here have some sort of other pet, if people are submitting their own pictures and captions maybe it can be open to any animal and not just a tegu? I don't think it would be too hard for people to get a picture of an animal if they don't have any. Ex. neighbor/friends dog or cat.


5 Year Member
hanniebann said:
you take a picture and come up with a witty caption or dialogue for who (or what) is in the pic.

here's an example: http://rjknits.blogspot.com/2009/05/caption-contest-3-and-winner-is.html

Ahh,i had no clue what that was lol,seems pretty cool! I don't have a tegu so i would have enter another one of my herps i guess.

Also i wouldn't mind entering a essay contest,i did enough research to the point where i am pretty confident i could write a "decent" essay on Tegu's,but i would not want to be the guy reading all of those.

What ever the contest is,i'll enter!May not win,but will have fun doing entering i guess.


New Member
How about a contest on who can create the best enclosure for a baby tegu? That way when Bobby awards the tegu, he is ensured that the tegu will have a good home.


5 Year Member
ndial said:
How about a contest on who can create the best enclosure for a baby tegu? That way when Bobby awards the tegu, he is ensured that the tegu will have a good home.

Then it comes down to money--which I'm not sure should be a factor in a contest.

So...somebody is against pretty much every single contest idea that's been presented--which is bound to happen because not everyone will ever agree on anything (hell, there are people who think that killing Osama Bin Laden was bad--there's always somebody who's going to be against anything).

Anyway...with that being said. Maybe there's a way we can do a raffle-type thing. Now follow me here: Rather than just putting names in a hat and drawing and leaving it to complete chance, what if we devised a way to enhance someone's chance of winning (ie: have more raffle tickets in the "hat" for doing SOMETHING).

For example, AND JUST AS AN EXAMPLE, had we gone with the caption contest, perhaps rather than judging the captions, we'd enter a person in the contest for each caption they submitted. Those that engaged themselves more in the caption contest would have a better chance of winning, but wouldn't necessarily have to have the best caption.

Of course, it wouldn't have to be a caption contest--I just used that as an example to show how we could create a contest where the more you participate, the greater your chances of winning.

The whole, "whose got the best cage" or can write the greatest research paper becomes less of a contest and more of a competition with too many factors that prohibit others from winning. The beauty of a contest where greater participation ensures a greater chance of winning is that money, composition skills, and other factors with a vast variability become far less significant.


New Member
How about a contest on who can create the best enclosure for a baby tegu? That way when Bobby awards the tegu, he is ensured that the tegu will have a good home.


Former Admin
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Sounds like some good ideas, I really don't want to do another essay contest this time, you guys work it out and let me know. :)


Staff member
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5 Year Member
If its not an essay I think the caption contest would be best. It's easy to where anyone can enter, it doesn't require artistic skills, money, proper grammar, etc.

I do like the idea of building enclosures, it does help to show that you can properly house a tegu but again, not everyone starts theirs out in a custom sized enclosure. I feel like those who build an adult sized enclosure might have an advantage over those who are starting with a 40 gallon.

A raffle would be cool as well.


New Member
Hm, instead of fully building an enclosure, why not just design one on paper, and then put the entries up for a vote?

Although I also think a caption contest is a fun option.


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
a design would be a great idea! but would they be able to ask for advice or is it 100% solo? theres tons of info if the search button is used.. by hand or can programs be used?

you could get like 5 ideas and do a poll, majority wins? all people planning to enter get one or two votes, have the poll run like a week for members who arent regulars

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