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Oh my, reallly? dont give up ok! At least your sure he's in your house somewhere... once my tegu that I had a few years back escaped I thought I lost him forever, until one day my neighbor knocked on my door and said "didnt you have lizard?" and i was like "...yeeeees" lol and he was like "well its in my garage hiding"
I found him and brought him home that day He grew to 2ft while gone!
The good news is that he did come out at least one time. So if everything is quiet I'm sure he will come out again . I wouldn't bother getting a trap. You don't want him to get hurt. It might take a little while before he comes back out since he just ate and he is scared. Good luck and thank you for keeping us posted.
The trap I got wouldnt hurt him at all, he didnt eat yesterday so I have a good feeling he will come out to get food, we have kept it pretty quiet in the kitchen so we wouldnt scare him anymore, I sm crossing my fingers!
Are you serious?? Is there a chance he could have gone outside? maybe in your attic where its nice and warm? im not sure how he would get up there but hey never hurts to check. Hear any noises? I suggest seriously looking throughout your house whenever you can.
Wow this is terrible...a week and no signs of your little guy? What's the latest on this matter? I'll be rooting for you. Hopefully you get him back. How old is he?
I dont think there is much of a chance he got outside, I sure hope he didnt, it is still pretty cold out. He is only a few months old, I just got him I havent heard him at all, do you think possibly he could be in hibernation mode?
Is there any way he got out from the cabinet you saw him in and is somewhere else in the house? If you are certain he is in that specific cabinet he will come out for food/heat eventually. If he got out he could be anywhere, check under fridge, dishwasher, washer, dryer, stove. Look for any other holes in walls/cabinets that he could have got into.
Like I said, I lost mine for a whole week once (7-8 days) and my boyfriend lost his for a week as well. Mine just came out one day when I had given up... so, there's still hope.
I'm sorry to hear that you still didn't get him back yet. I would recommend looking in places that are warm. Like some mentioned behind the fridge ( we found ours there one time. But he was a big boy already ). They also like to lay down on extention cords. Look behind your entertainment center. Uncer the microwave cart if you have one ( a diffenrent Tegu of ours was there a few times ). Good luck .
When I lost my savannah for a couple days, we managed to finally find him... in the box spring of our bed. lol. And then another time he managed to get under and behind the dishwasher... Not warm places, but he seemed quite content both times we found him. don't give up!