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You were right! Today was the day!! We just got home and he was laying out on the floor! We are sooo happy to see him, he is a bit skinny but I think he is fine sooooo happy
Sorry about your loss. I am glad you were able to at least find it though. The little stinkers can fit into the tinest holes and gaps when they're young. I've got a 2 ft savy that can still fit under my closet door. Are you getting another one this summer?
Ah damnit... I was really hoping for this to be a happy ending. I can tell you one thing, though: I bet the little guy is happily nomming all of the ground turkey, mice and beef liver he can get his teeth on in reptile heaven now. :angel:
Hope your next gu is a success. Just make sure when you feed him he's in some kind of enclosed area (tub, bin, tank, ect.) so the incident doesnt repeat itself. god bless your little lost one