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I cant wait for both of your tegu's to grow i've been watching all the videos trying to prepare myself i guess, it really feels like im about to have a child and im like in that making sure i have everything and know what to do, but really i guess it just depends on how my lil guy will be when he gets to this world.
Anyway please keep up the videos i love watching them!
I'm sure your tegu is going to be great. I was a bit worried too when I opened the box but she's been such a good girl. It really comes down to spending a lot of time with him or her to build trust. I can't get over how trusting she's been with me in just two months. Can't wait to see what your new "baby" is going to be like. Keep us posted.
She's doing great. She's very trusting. I'm in shock how quickly her and I have bonded. The fear of getting bitten is pretty much gone. She seems to like me...
I haven't been worried too much about biting, he's never really shown aggression, a little skittish at times, but no aggression. I can sit there and pet him while he eats and he just looks at me or pick skin off him, whatever, he doesn't really care as long as he is eating lol. I can hold his head still and touch his mouth too, I guess I do it as sort of a test to see how he reacts.
I need to measure him again and see where he's at, probably not too much but i'd like to keep track of it. The first few times I let him explore my spare room he wouldn't want me to approach him but now I can walk up to him and scoop him right up with to much trouble, he will just look towards the area I took him from and give me a look like "come on man, put me back down" and as soon as I do he heads right back to the same spot.