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Oh NO! Xander has a prolapse


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5 Year Member
Sorry to hear, I had my argentine tegu euthanized a few months ago, a big company sold him to me with MBD.
You did the right thing by having him euthanized, hopefully hes in heaven with my little Trooper


New Member
5 Year Member
I am sorry for your loss. All you can do is try to prevent this from happining to your other tegu. Just remember, while he was in your care that was the best time of his life and you gave him the experience of being a real tegu.


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5 Year Member
Here I made a tribute to Xander. Next will be a video telling people not to buy from lll.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TWIrhycZI8" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TWIrhycZI8</a><!-- m -->


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5 Year Member
Well, I am sorry for your loss but I bought the Argentine Black and White I used to have from LLL and I had a great experience with him. He was huge and incredibly friendly so I must say if he lived a month in your care, you should not jump to conclusions over whos fault it is that your tegu died. You should definitely call them and talk to them about it though.


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5 Year Member
TeguKid80 said:
Well, I am sorry for your loss but I bought the Argentine Black and White I used to have from LLL and I had a great experience with him. He was huge and incredibly friendly so I must say if he lived a month in your care, you should not jump to conclusions over whos fault it is that your tegu died. You should definitely call them and talk to them about it though.
They could have changed between the time you bought yours and the time i bought mine. I know I provided proper temps, food, enclosure, humidity, calcium, bathes, everything. I loved my gu i did everything for him. Theres nothing i could have done to do it, is what i am saying. Plus i dont know if its the breeder or them. Either way the animal is still coming from lll.

chris allen

5 Year Member
Either way the animal did come from LLL, you are correct. But, you are not giving them any chance at all to rectify the problem. As soon as you noticed something was up they should have been contacted.

Also, do you have a vet report stating what was wrong or cause of death?

I don't know one way or another if they are at fault or not, but you seriously have to give them a chance to do something(which I don't even know if they owe you anything honestly). Dealing with livestock, sometimes crap happens.......its how we all handle it that makes us better.

Before you go and badmouth anyone, I would call them.


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5 Year Member
I mostly get my animals second hand. I always looks for ad's selling dwarf monitors cause I feel its better to give them the chance to live. I bought my newest ackie from a breeder and well I didnt notice any thing new but it was nice to meet a breeder. My tegu came from PCPC and there idiots. I picked my tegu from them at the expo and they put him in a pee smelling pillow sack and some other animal had craped in it.


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5 Year Member
chris allen said:
Either way the animal did come from LLL, you are correct. But, you are not giving them any chance at all to rectify the problem. As soon as you noticed something was up they should have been contacted.

Also, do you have a vet report stating what was wrong or cause of death?

I don't know one way or another if they are at fault or not, but you seriously have to give them a chance to do something(which I don't even know if they owe you anything honestly). Dealing with livestock, sometimes crap happens.......its how we all handle it that makes us better.

Before you go and badmouth anyone, I would call them.


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5 Year Member
Um, I beg to differ here. If he had a problem with LLL then by all means, shout about it. I saw their booth at the NARBC show, and as I was leaning in for a closer look, a friend of mine said "watch out for LLL alot of their animals are Imports"

Just because the animal is young, doesn't mean it wasn't farm hatched and imported in.

Their tegus and monitors looked slightly better than Xander, and I am assuming this is because people were going to see them in person, and not just from a website.

And IMO if a middle man company receives bad merchandise, it is their responsibilty to either notify their customer, or NOT sell said merch.


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5 Year Member
I don't honestly think he has any right to be trashing them until he proves that it was their fault his tegu is dead, Meg90. This could affect their business and one thing I will say is in the wild, generally less than 50% of baby reptiles survive so obviously a few out of a clutch may not make it. That being said, there is no way of saying who's fault it is, if anyones. :roll:


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5 Year Member
He is sharing his opinion. It IS his right. He has free speech. If that was my tegu, and I was following care posted on this site for a month, and then my baby suffered a severe bone break from bad supplementation (which would NOT be caused by a month without supplementation anyways---and Tanman WAS supplementing) I would think its easy to find the root of the problem.


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5 Year Member
TeguKid80 said:
I don't honestly think he has any right to be trashing them until he proves that it was their fault his tegu is dead, Meg90. This could affect their business and one thing I will say is in the wild, generally less than 50% of baby reptiles survive so obviously a few out of a clutch may not make it. That being said, there is no way of saying who's fault it is, if anyones. :roll:
Do you work for them? You joined one day ago and have only posted on this thread. You are trying to make it look like it was me. Now i know i provided more than sufficient care. I always fed him great and have only the best for my gus. Now how are you going to tell me it wasnt their fault? It came from them. I hope this affects their buisness or atleast opens their eyes to what is going on.


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5 Year Member
No, definitely not. I have bought from them before and you are blindly accusing them. You had the tegu for a month, bought him or her as a small baby, and may or may not be right about them being at fault. If you had nicely talked to them then they probably would have rectified the problem. I feel bad for you but you cannot just blame this on them.

chris allen

5 Year Member
I agree with what tegukid is saying, and I definately have no involvement with them and never have. I would also never buy an animal from them, but thats just me.

It may be their fault,but posting all the b.s. about someone without good facts though is not going to help or hurt anyone, regardless you loud you scream and shout especially a company that size.

Did you check or ask if the tegu was captive bred and born? Do you know if was cbb?

How old was this tegu when you got it, judging from the pics I saw he looks pretty young, so really how long could they have had it for that poor supplementation would lead to such a serious issue like that? Were there any signs of MBD?

Is this something that commonly happens with tegus(im far from an expert on tegus here, so im trying to learn myself), poor supplementation leading to brittle/breaking bones?

Is there a vet report saying that due to improper supplementation the tegu suffered a bone break? That just sounds out there to me from the start, but im no vet.

Im just trying to help you here, cool down, call them, act civilized and maybe you can get a credit, refund or another tegu. Maybe you can get some money back and put it towards saving for a quality animal directly from a breeder, I mean after all, you're on a breeder's site here. If they don't try to correct anything and blow you off, then post all the info in a bad guy thread.

Im curious also, what made you purchase your tegu from them and not Bobby or another breeder? Was it pricing, impulse type purchase, or did you hear good things about their tegus?


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5 Year Member
Looking at how old he was when you got him, that raises the chances you are right about it being their fault. I apologize if I came off sounding like a jerk and I hope you can afford another one soon. However I still say you should reasonably talk to them about a new tegu or money back.


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5 Year Member
This is the email i got from them when i asked how old. Now 8in for a 4 month old is tiny. And he wasnt exactly just born

The babies we have right now are all about 4 months old.

Kate Larsen
LLLReptile & Supply Co. Inc.
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.LLLReptile.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.LLLReptile.com</a><!-- w -->

In a message dated 9/15/2009 9:25:33 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> writes:

hi i purchased an argentine black and white tegu from you guys about a week ago i got him last thursday and i was wondering about how old he was

I got xander when he was 4 months he was 8in long. I got zero a month later when xander was 5 months and he had grown four inches with me so he was 12in. Zero was just 3months and already 26" now i dont see how it was my fault. Xander grew a total of 6in with me thats almost double then when i got him.


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5 Year Member
There is no vet report since i didnt have $150 to spend on an xray. But he told me he either broke his back or was suffering from severe trauma. When i first went in the problem was from the back legs down. The second time when i was going to have him put down he said it was starting to travel up to the middle of his back because he was now walking gimpier then ever


New Member
5 Year Member
I can definetely agree about LLL, the conditions they keep their animals in is probably worse than a puppy mill. I've seen them put 20 baby bearded dragons in a 6"x2" "enclosure"

I don't know I'll buy my feeders and other supplies from them because they are cheap, and local, but imo they are about the equivalent of petco.


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5 Year Member
I personally don't purchase anything from LLL. I've seen their animals at two shows now and most of them don't ever seem to look great. Plus Bobby's gus are about as cheap as they come. 150 including shipping. At the show LLL had their black and whites for 130. As far as Petco, they are not all as bad as everyone makes them out to be. And yes I do work for them. I agree that you should call them in a civilized manner. Who's to say when they got the gu? Maybe they got them at 3.5 months? Which would mean it was the breeder. I tried to find out who their breeder was and they wouldn't tell me, but they did say if they find that the breeder is peddling poor excuses for animals they discontinue their use. Oh and at both shows I've been to LLL gets most of their animals from CalZoo.


5 Year Member
Just now found out you had to put Xander down, so sorry I'm sure you miss him very much.


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