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Platnum het for albino blues


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5 Year Member
Hi Rian,

I know very little about genetics and made sure to specify that in my post. I merely posted the little bit of knowledge that I do know. Please don't take this as a challenge or insult because I assure you, I'm not on these forums to make enemies but in this industry we know all to well that there are dishonest people out there and we can both agree that there are people out there selling normal animals as hets. I've followed your videos and I've seen your albino blues (very nice btw) and I have no doubt that you have the potential of producing hets and albinos but as an amateur hobbyist it's difficult to justify a $500 price tag on an animal I know nothing about. How has your proven het been proven? Has she (or he) been bred to another het or an albino and produced albinos?

Thank you,



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5 Year Member
And before I forget to mention, I think your offer to work with the customer and possibly trade out the tegus or refund them is outstanding. That's the kind of customer service I like to see and will help me in my decision in the event that I ever do business with you.


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5 Year Member
Hi Rian,

I know very little about genetics and made sure to specify that in my post. I merely posted the little bit of knowledge that I do know. Please don't take this as a challenge or insult because I assure you, I'm not on these forums to make enemies but in this industry we know all to well that there are dishonest people out there and we can both agree that there are people out there selling normal animals as hets. I've followed your videos and I've seen your albino blues (very nice btw) and I have no doubt that you have the potential of producing hets and albinos but as an amateur hobbyist it's difficult to justify a $500 price tag on an animal I know nothing about. How has your proven het been proven? Has she (or he) been bred to another het or an albino and produced albinos?

Thank you,


I'm not sensitive and I appreciate the challenge, I am not above the same challenge so anytime anyone wants to see the parents or the proof if it ain't in video form (youtube) it surely in picture form. As you said you have seen my Albino Blues this mom is the offspring from a het to albino and then this same female produces albinos 2 years ago (I gave her off last year) I put her with a big platinum male I hoped would be het as well (same line) but it didnt proved out (cos platinum albinos would be sick!!!) first year thus the 50% POSSIBLE het for albinism. I also have purchased and been burnt on many so called hets over the years and as I stated I am not sensitive and always hope and welcome people who want proof that they are getting what they are buying, thanks for the challenge anytime please just ask, I love tegus and tegu folks! RG


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5 Year Member
And before I forget to mention, I think your offer to work with the customer and possibly trade out the tegus or refund them is outstanding. That's the kind of customer service I like to see and will help me in my decision in the event that I ever do business with you.

Brother thats what we always do and have done and I challenge ANYONE to say otherwised.

Thanks for the good word as well as the call out thats good strong business sense as well as animals smarts that I respect!



So the way the Het works is you are always buying on a chance. Only way to prove it would to breed to an albino or 100% het albino. Breeding back to an albino if it is a het would give you 50% albino and 50% hets while breeding a het to a het would give you 25% regular, 50% hets and 25% albinos and that's if nature plays to the stats.

Thank you. This thread was beginning to worry me when it came to the genetics discussion.

Many reptile enthusiasts would do themselves good to learn a thing about punnett squares - they'll explain everything and solve all your issues with a majority of simple reptile genetics.



I am sorry so far that your experience with my company has been less than stellar. I am here at the store all day today feel free to bring the animals back for an exchange or call to ask advice on care and maintenance I am here to help and serve you with any and every question you have. I bred those animals and they are about 10 generation UR stock so maybe I can help you with them just maybe...(sarcasm) Please forgive any if my guys if they were rude to you we are just so bust that sometimes that comes off as rude but I promise that is not our intention. Please call the store 954 428 8434 ask for Rian G and I will answer and and every question you have because I so appreciate the business that feeds my kids and pays my bills and I have never taken my customers (the best in the world) for granted EVER... that goes for any egu talk members... RG

@ RG thanks that really means a lot i will be more then glad to call you and ask for you and if worse comes to worse and they still don't eat then i will drive back to exchange them nothing personal but if you spent 1050.00 @ my store i'll make sure i take great care of you. and as you know i even asked to put a deposit on those light pink tegu but they told me they have not hatched yet, your saying people hating on you THAT NOT THE CASE I WOULD NEVER HATE ON ANYBODY its the facts. that dude tim is not your best employee. my next day off is monday and if they haven't eaten by monday i will bring them back and we can exchange them for another pair. LIKE I SAID IM NOT TRYING TO START A HATE THING ON UNDERGROUND I JOINED THIS SITE FOR ADVISE IM A BIGGER PERSON AND IS YOU OR UNDERGROUND FELT OFFENDED IN ANYWAY I APOLOGIZE.....all i care about is my baby blue's surviving and living long and healthy and knowing $1050.00 was well spent.


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5 Year Member
Thank you. This thread was beginning to worry me when it came to the genetics discussion.

Many reptile enthusiasts would do themselves good to learn a thing about punnett squares - they'll explain everything and solve all your issues with a majority of simple reptile genetics.

De nada, I had to sit through four years of Animal Sciences and Biology courses so for me the genetics is more fun then anything. Like I said I don't think the price is out raggious at all for possible hets. Sometimes its a gamble that pays off, other times not so much.

I know a few different people have said they are suppose to have blues this year, we will see what comes about. I will also admit that I have bought one of UG tegus (had some money set aside this year to try and get another pair started) so we shall see. So far all has been smooth.

Back to the OPs question, just give them time. And I aggree with the neglect part. You are scary to the tegus, you will stress them out so its better not to be seen and let them adjust. I block out the window on the cage when I get a new animal in and then let them adjust. No handling, no transfering to feeding bins. Once they adjust then move to feeding bins.


De nada, I had to sit through four years of Animal Sciences and Biology courses so for me the genetics is more fun then anything. Like I said I don't think the price is out raggious at all for possible hets. Sometimes its a gamble that pays off, other times not so much.

The same goes for me - I spend much of my time reviewing genetics problems with students. Though I do have to say I prefer h-w equilibrium opposed to the usual mono or dihybrids.

Hets, from a business standpoint, can be a worthwhile investment. If you don't produce the target morph, you still can produce hets - which are sometimes even more popular when it comes to selling than the targeted morph, as it hits a more easily accessible price bracket.


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5 Year Member
when dealing with genetics in ball pythons boas retics or ANY animals the terminology is the same so when 1 parent is het albino and PROVEN out and the other parent not proven the term for the offspring that come out normal is 50% possible het sorry if that has caused confusion it is not meant to that IS what they are and that is how they are termed I love you guys but please reserve your judgements for facts and if your not sure just ask I'm here to help... RG

Is it common to sell tegus the day after hatching? Why not keep them a week or two to make sure they are taking food, shedding, pooping, etc? I've never purchased from UR but it seems like its something many other breeders will do.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
My genetics course came from U of Fl and it is still shaky enough that I don't care to engage in genetics conversation. :)

RG, I don't hate on you, and I don't hate you or say the ugliest things about you. I said I don't care for the way you do business. I am not jealous. I have my own breeding projects that are the opposite of yours and my own house, family, job that makes me quite happy, thanks. :) I am actually a very polite and friendly person. I stop by your booth every year in Daytona and have even chatted with you guys about your blues. You probably don't even know who I am. :)

But here is the logic you are looking for:

1. Last year I watched you guys sell tegus right out of the egg. Personally, I think that's a bit stressful for the tegu and chancy for the owner. How do you know if he is healthy and free of congenital issues? It appears to be an action driven by monetary gain rather concern for the animal.

2. The situation above where the customer was told if you don't want your new baby, someone else does. That's pretty rude. Why not just help the guy out? Again, it appears there is no concern for the animal.

3. I don't trust the naming of colors and species you guys come up with. It appears to be driven by monetary gain.

I love tegus dearly. I have spent a tremendous amount of time learning about them and I spend a lot of time trying to help people take of theirs. I do it because I have a passion for the animal. I guess it bugs me when I feel like someone is trying to take advantage of others who love them, too. Nothing personal, and I have laid it all out on the table for you.


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5 Year Member
Wow there is a lot of misinformation and confusion in this thread. "Platinums" are not a genetic trait. Theoretically you could argue that since the lighter tegus often come from lighter parents then it is genetically influenced but I would bet that every tegu from this clutch does not turn out "platinum". It is a marketing tool, nothing more, nothing less. Also, selling tegus out of the egg is incredibly unethical. Every other tegu breeder I have spoken to would never sell a tegu that soon(a day or two or same day) after hatching. That being said, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that UG is doing it. I won't get into the het for albino part but I find the prices to be inflated at best. However, if they can sell them for that much, props to them. My problem lies with the fact that they're selling them a day after hatching.


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5 Year Member
They are not calling Platinums as a genetic trait just as a color morph. The trait they are saying these tegus are het for would be albino a know genetic trait. Platinum is no more of a hype then hi white black and whites and super red reds. As for their business practice I wouldn't sell tegus straight out of the egg or first day out but I have gotten a tegu that was only two days old and it adjusted fine.


They are not calling Platinums as a genetic trait just as a color morph. The trait they are saying these tegus are het for would be albino a know genetic trait. Platinum is no more of a hype then hi white black and whites and super red reds. As for their business practice I wouldn't sell tegus straight out of the egg or first day out but I have gotten a tegu that was only two days old and it adjusted fine.


@RG i called you left a message with my name and number cause today is sunday and UR is closed but they still haven't eaten and have not come out to bask,i left them alone didnt try to take them out for feeding. i just put four crickets in their enclosure hopefully they'll eat when i get of base in the am i'll check,once again thank you everyone on this form that helped with advise and tips i'll keep you guys posted on them. off to work i go THANK YOU GUYS VERY MUCH


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5 Year Member
Wow there is a lot of misinformation and confusion in this thread. "Platinums" are not a genetic trait. Theoretically you could argue that since the lighter tegus often come from lighter parents then it is genetically influenced but I would bet that every tegu from this clutch does not turn out "platinum". It is a marketing tool, nothing more, nothing less. Also, selling tegus out of the egg is incredibly unethical. Every other tegu breeder I have spoken to would never sell a tegu that soon(a day or two or same day) after hatching. That being said, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that UG is doing it. I won't get into the het for albino part but I find the prices to be inflated at best. However, if they can sell them for that much, props to them. My problem lies with the fact that they're selling them a day after hatching.

do you know anyone who has had problems with any of my Tegus? I sell SOME of the Tegus the day after they hatch IF they display certain characteristics that are conducive to thriving. So maybe the opinions some of you have about selling the animals produced here at our facility the day after they hatch are... ready wait for it wrwrwrongg... or maybe no matter what I do some of you will just be haters.


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They are not calling Platinums as a genetic trait just as a color morph. The trait they are saying these tegus are het for would be albino a know genetic trait. Platinum is no more of a hype then hi white black and whites and super red reds. As for their business practice I wouldn't sell tegus straight out of the egg or first day out but I have gotten a tegu that was only two days old and it adjusted fine.

Platinum was a name coined by one of the founding fathers of our whole Tegu breeding industry Ron St Pierre who produced line of high white blue tegus that are MOST CERTAINLY genetic. I purchased them from him and they have proven out every year. I understand your apprehension for not wanting to sell them out of the egg BUT space is limited when you produce so many animals and they nip each others tails and toes within days if you put more than 2 or 3 in a cage and since it has worked out pretty well for the pat 15 years again maybe I got something right here... RG


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5 Year Member
Wow there is a lot of misinformation and confusion in this thread. "Platinums" are not a genetic trait. Theoretically you could argue that since the lighter tegus often come from lighter parents then it is genetically influenced but I would bet that every tegu from this clutch does not turn out "platinum". It is a marketing tool, nothing more, nothing less. Also, selling tegus out of the egg is incredibly unethical. Every other tegu breeder I have spoken to would never sell a tegu that soon(a day or two or same day) after hatching. That being said, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that UG is doing it. I won't get into the het for albino part but I find the prices to be inflated at best. However, if they can sell them for that much, props to them. My problem lies with the fact that they're selling them a day after hatching.

Yes my friend they are genetic and seemingly co-dom since they come out first generation and the whole batch is lighter yes the whole batch, If... you think it is unethical what do you base that on? As I stated earlier Do you know anyone who has had problems with our animals? After 15 years of producing these animals is there any respect or learning or are you just sure your right and I'm unethical because you say so?

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