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Platnum het for albino blues


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5 Year Member
Platinum was a name coined by one of the founding fathers of our whole Tegu breeding industry Ron St Pierre who produced line of high white blue tegus that are MOST CERTAINLY genetic. I purchased them from him and they have proven out every year. I understand your apprehension for not wanting to sell them out of the egg BUT space is limited when you produce so many animals and they nip each others tails and toes within days if you put more than 2 or 3 in a cage and since it has worked out pretty well for the pat 15 years again maybe I got something right here... RG

I am aware that Ron St Pierre coined the phase and Rick used it when he bred blues as well, I have been in the industry for awhile. I wouldn't call this a morph though as its a degree of coloring can easily change, just like high white black and whites. I did not say there is anything wrong with the name at all.

I am glad you model has worked, just try to understand that most people on this forum have tegus as pets (including the OP) and for most of us we would prefer to make sure young tegus are thriving before hand. If there is no cage space for offspring then maybe it could be time to cut back, however I know you have a business to run so there is a balance that has to be strucked.


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My genetics course came from U of Fl and it is still shaky enough that I don't care to engage in genetics conversation. :)

RG, I don't hate on you, and I don't hate you or say the ugliest things about you. I said I don't care for the way you do business. I am not jealous. I have my own breeding projects that are the opposite of yours and my own house, family, job that makes me quite happy, thanks. :) I am actually a very polite and friendly person. I stop by your booth every year in Daytona and have even chatted with you guys about your blues. You probably don't even know who I am. :)

But here is the logic you are looking for:

1. Last year I watched you guys sell tegus right out of the egg. Personally, I think that's a bit stressful for the tegu and chancy for the owner. How do you know if he is healthy and free of congenital issues? It appears to be an action driven by monetary gain rather concern for the animal.

2. The situation above where the customer was told if you don't want your new baby, someone else does. That's pretty rude. Why not just help the guy out? Again, it appears there is no concern for the animal.

3. I don't trust the naming of colors and species you guys come up with. It appears to be driven by monetary gain.

I love tegus dearly. I have spent a tremendous amount of time learning about them and I spend a lot of time trying to help people take of theirs. I do it because I have a passion for the animal. I guess it bugs me when I feel like someone is trying to take advantage of others who love them, too. Nothing personal, and I have laid it all out on the table for you.

Laura, yes you hate on me and my company every chance you get even your current letter drips with judgments and condescension. this will be my last response to you because this is not the first time you have hated on us you been doing it for years going back to the Bobby Hill days when you tooted his horn everywhere you could, even when he bashed everyone who sold tegus besides him.
your logic is faulty because it is not based on fact but opinion but here goes nothing
1. appears selling animals out of the egg is for monetary gain? that is rude and judgmental as I have said many time but will repeat anyone you know have a problem with my captive bred selectively chosen tegus? after 15 years maybe your wrong. These are not mammals they are reptiles ready to go IF they come out displaying certain characteristics that indicate they are good. after 20 years of breeding them and 30 years in this industry maybe I can tell. Or am I just a money grubbing slime ball whose only desire is to take peoples coin and who cares what I sell them?
wait anyone you know I owe money to? anyone you know I have taken deposits from and not sent animals to???
2. get the facts before you judge, we told the man and his girl when they were at the store at the time all of them were sold out and that there was a waiting list we weren't being rude and we did help them out and actually told them they could wait for more to hatch and not pay in full for the 2 they picked out if they didn't want them. but as usual with you everything you her about us is painted through the we suck prism of your mind
3. Trust the naming of colors... What are you insinuating and what are you talking about? some of my tegu projects have taken 5-10 years and cost me thousands and thousands of dollars in maintenance and new stock so what should I do? Yes you are correct I charge for my tegus just like every other reptile breeder in the world do you not pay for your animals? Did you scorn them to for charging you? If I produce something no one ever has like my Purple Tiger am I not entitled to name it what I want? In your eyes that's unethical and money driven? Oh stop it already no matter what I do I suck We know that already...

I can give you my qualifications as well but would that change your mind? oh by the way just because you end your letter with nothing personal doesn't make it so if all you do is call me greedy rude and deceptive. If I sell someone a good tegu for a fair price how is that taking advantage of them?
Just be honest you don't like us and don't have a real good reason why now that your hero has fallen from grace


WOW you guys took this thread to a hole different level..how do we go from asking for help to this? and RG im very sorry but he never told me and my wife we can wait for the next batch. I CAN SWEAR TO YOU ON MY KIDS all he said was if you dont want them i have over a hundred other people that would,but don't worry about crickets are gone so im guessing at least one ate(or hopefully both) and to whom ever TEGU TALK BELONGS TO PLEASE BAND ME FROM YOUR SITE CAUSE THIS WAS A WAST OF TIME YOU ASK FOR ADVISE AND PEOPLE JUST TAKE THING TO A HOLE NEW LEVEL WOW......and for RG he never gave us that option NEVER thank you and i hope you and that laura chick get together drink a beer or a bottle of patron and just forgive each other....JOSH DELETE ME OR JUST BAND ME this site and worth it lolol wow


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
I am not dripping with hate or condescension, I'm sorry you took it that way. You asked me what I had against you and I told you instead of going behind your back and talking about you. I didn't call you slime or include any of those words that you put in your reply. In fact, I have never called you a "slime ball" or said "you suck" on FB posts or any forum posts. I have to bounce it back at you since you seem to hold all the anger.

I did not toot Bobby's horn every chance I got. I didn't become active on this forum until he sold it. I never spoke out against him because I was intimidated that one of the "big seller/breeders" would lash out if they were ever criticized. I don't cower any longer. I did defend Bobby's actions because I pitied him. I still feel like his actions were the result of an addictions problem and I can't imagine how rough it must have been. I have lost everything from addictions, and I believe you are in recovery, too. BTW my human heroes are the likes of Ben Carson, John McCain...men who overcame great struggles, not reptile breeders, lol.

If you read my post, I use words like "it appears to be". I posted and gave you a chance to answer. But you sir, have a preconceived idea about me.

Since this was a post responding to the OP, all we had was one side of the story. All it takes is for someone to come clear it up.

The naming of the colors I am insinuating about specifically applies to the Paraguayan, not the other projects that you have going on.

I have not seen you sell tegus for 15 years, but I'm sure you are an honest man. As far as hating on you even when Bobby sold tegus, you would have to show me those posts. I've only been familiar with you guys for a few years. All I have ever said is that I don't agree with selling such young tegus and I don't trust the origin of the Paraguay tegus. If you have something different, bring the quote.

Penny&Dollar, I don't drink, but thanks. I have nothing to forgive. I am not angry and I have no grudges. Anything I had to say about UG I have said in the posts. If it made him angry, I do apologize. I thought he asked what I had against him, so I told him.


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5 Year Member
I didn't have much of an opinion on UG or Rian prior to this but after seeing how he handled this, how he put words in someones mouth and acted in a very unprofessional manner. I do believe I have gathered an opinion now.


Active Member
So agreed here. Laura was asked a question and she answered it honeslty! After the methods used at UG I agree and have my own opinion as well. Laura is a well respected person on this forum! And I am many others trust her opinions as well


5 Year Member
Hey guys! I've been gone for a while but I'm looking to get back into the herp game now. I have been looking for blue tegus and I have spoken with Underground about theirs. I have followed the blue tegu thing since they hit the market. If I am not mistaken, the "Platinum" moniker was an invention back in the day for their lighter colored animals, and the "Snow" thing is just total BS as there was no Axanthic at the time. (lighter albino, yes, true snow, never happened...yet) All there really is, is normal and albino. Not to say that the Platinum deal is all BS, much as the white head phase is a reality in black and whites, the platinum would be the equivalent there. Also, I posted on their FaceBook page asking about lineage as the ad said "ParentS" as in plural, were het. So, I HAD to ask, for myself and the general unsuspecting public. Naturally, they had the kid I spoke to on the phone over the page respond.(sure I have bad habits older than him) he made out like I was "frantic" trying to get a response with 2 posts 6 hours apart during business hours. I think that was fair, right? Well, the response I got was that the male was 100% het and proven and the female was het but not proven so she was considered a normal. This combo is the only way you'd get 50% het and I knew that, I just wanted to know that they knew that. I also broached the subject of the 60% price hike in the going rate for only a 50/50 chance at MAYBE getting albino. As far as i know the price has always been $300 for blue tegus, unless you got a deal. $200 more I think is WAY too much. They claimed they knew of nobody else offering blue tegus, let alone het for albino. I know of at least 6, one of which, at least, also has hets.
All said and done, anything is only worth what you can get someone to pay for it. I could sell you my car for $100,000 but is it worth it? Maybe so, come kick the tires for free! ;)


Hey guys! I've been gone for a while but I'm looking to get back into the herp game now. I have been looking for blue tegus and I have spoken with Underground about theirs. I have followed the blue tegu thing since they hit the market. If I am not mistaken, the "Platinum" moniker was an invention back in the day for their lighter colored animals, and the "Snow" thing is just total BS as there was no Axanthic at the time. (lighter albino, yes, true snow, never happened...yet) All there really is, is normal and albino. Not to say that the Platinum deal is all BS, much as the white head phase is a reality in black and whites, the platinum would be the equivalent there. Also, I posted on their FaceBook page asking about lineage as the ad said "ParentS" as in plural, were het. So, I HAD to ask, for myself and the general unsuspecting public. Naturally, they had the kid I spoke to on the phone over the page respond.(sure I have bad habits older than him) he made out like I was "frantic" trying to get a response with 2 posts 6 hours apart during business hours. I think that was fair, right? Well, the response I got was that the male was 100% het and proven and the female was het but not proven so she was considered a normal. This combo is the only way you'd get 50% het and I knew that, I just wanted to know that they knew that. I also broached the subject of the 60% price hike in the going rate for only a 50/50 chance at MAYBE getting albino. As far as i know the price has always been $300 for blue tegus, unless you got a deal. $200 more I think is WAY too much. They claimed they knew of nobody else offering blue tegus, let alone het for albino. I know of at least 6, one of which, at least, also has hets.
All said and done, anything is only worth what you can get someone to pay for it. I could sell you my car for $100,000 but is it worth it? Maybe so, come kick the tires for free! ;)
So they must be worth it because they have already sold a lot of their blues..


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5 Year Member
Hey guys! I've been gone for a while but I'm looking to get back into the herp game now. I have been looking for blue tegus and I have spoken with Underground about theirs. I have followed the blue tegu thing since they hit the market. If I am not mistaken, the "Platinum" moniker was an invention back in the day for their lighter colored animals, and the "Snow" thing is just total BS as there was no Axanthic at the time. (lighter albino, yes, true snow, never happened...yet) All there really is, is normal and albino. Not to say that the Platinum deal is all BS, much as the white head phase is a reality in black and whites, the platinum would be the equivalent there. Also, I posted on their FaceBook page asking about lineage as the ad said "ParentS" as in plural, were het. So, I HAD to ask, for myself and the general unsuspecting public. Naturally, they had the kid I spoke to on the phone over the page respond.(sure I have bad habits older than him) he made out like I was "frantic" trying to get a response with 2 posts 6 hours apart during business hours. I think that was fair, right? Well, the response I got was that the male was 100% het and proven and the female was het but not proven so she was considered a normal. This combo is the only way you'd get 50% het and I knew that, I just wanted to know that they knew that. I also broached the subject of the 60% price hike in the going rate for only a 50/50 chance at MAYBE getting albino. As far as i know the price has always been $300 for blue tegus, unless you got a deal. $200 more I think is WAY too much. They claimed they knew of nobody else offering blue tegus, let alone het for albino. I know of at least 6, one of which, at least, also has hets.
All said and done, anything is only worth what you can get someone to pay for it. I could sell you my car for $100,000 but is it worth it? Maybe so, come kick the tires for free! ;)

Awesome reply. If people are willing to pay that much for it then of course they're going to ask a high price. Do I think its a good deal? Of course not but some people have the money to spend on a "maybe". Anyway, welcome back! I'd love to see pictures of your old tegus (on a separate thread).


@ rhetiric your right they are worth what people pay for them,well i've been waiting since last year to get a blue tegu and i couldn't find one,everyone i knew sold out or other people had gave deposits since last year. I didn't wanna leave a deposit cause the last time i gave a 300.00 deposit for 2 extremes i never got them or my money back but thats a different story,so i figured this was the only way and yes i was also told the same as beasty they didn't know about anyone else producing blue's and on top of that het for albino. so i jump and bought without shopping around but finally they are eating very well my local pet shop force feed them and now their eating extremely well. they even eat 93% lean turkey with liver calcium and multi vitamins and exploring like crazy. so your right when you really want something you'll pay what ever the asking price is but i learned my lesson from here on im gonna stick to breeders not pet stores breeders tend to care for animal and people more the pet stores.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
I don't think you over paid if they are possibly het for albino. And if you saw the parents and they are what you wanted, there you go...as they say. :) Market value is what two people agree is fair. If you feel that you got a good deal and are happy with your purchase, then you should enjoy your tegus. :)


at first i wasn't but know that they are eating and all over the place i love them,penny(female) is a great hunter she catches crickets first try. now dollar(male) can't hunt for his dear life he runs all over chasing and can't i laugh but where he lacks at hunting he makes up with brains. he waits for penny to get one and then he takes it from her for some reason i can't post picture cause my phone ip got banned don't know why but it did and i dont know how to post from my mac. well dollar lets me hold him well at times he walks right into my hands and i can lay him on my chest and he cool stay and walks all over me,penny won't she will attack my hand 3 to 4 times and it hurts lolol then she will calm down and climb onto my hand. so i guess im extremely happy with them cause their fun to watch and their the first tegus i get from hatchlings all my other tegus i got around three months and they were already tamed. these i can tame myself and know whats its like to go step by step. so even though i feel like i still over payed cause like everybody says possible het is something that still has to be proven i love my baby gu's. thanks for all your help laura and keep me posted for next season i would love a female blk/red gu a lot of people recommend you :)


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I am glad you are enjoying your tegus. They are the most rewarding animal I've kept, besides my dogs. Generally buying from breeders is better than a petstore. Regular b/w's in my area are easily $250-300 for hatchlings but again, people pay that. I hope nothing I've said in this thread has rubbed you the wrong way OP. Congrats on your tegus and I am excited to watch them grow.


I am glad you are enjoying your tegus. They are the most rewarding animal I've kept, besides my dogs. Generally buying from breeders is better than a petstore. Regular b/w's in my area are easily $250-300 for hatchlings but again, people pay that. I hope nothing I've said in this thread has rubbed you the wrong way OP. Congrats on your tegus and I am excited to watch them grow.

@ rhentoric nothing you said rubbed me the wrong way but it actually helped open my eyes thats all i will keep you guys posted on pictures and how their doing but first i have to send josh an inbox to see why my phone got band. once again thank you


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
It was not banned by any of us on the moderation team. I think it is a just a weird fluke. I saw a couple of others that had a similar issue. I just didn't want you think we banned your phone IP.

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