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Sick Red, looking for suggestions.


Blood work should be back tomorrow morning. Felt an xray wasn't warrented after General Inspection of abdomen. Got the blood panels and a series of vitamin/amino injections.


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Sushi, a beautiful beast. Good job that your vet knows herps. Well wishes.


Blood work came back last Thursday, all well. There were some levels that were on the upper and lower spectrums of normal most likely due to not eating. He just told me to make sure he continues to seek and drink water ( loves to drink from the mister) and he will either eat or not.

I did however get him to eat around half of a scrambled egg so that was a giant relief. Not a big fan of his supplements mixed in with the ground meats, and I offered him that today..... No surprise he wouldn't bite. .. But that was probably my bad, I really have to trick him into getting his calcium plus.

Picked up some grub pie since the local store was out of meat pie. ... Also.... No dice. Really strange. However, nice to know he's otherwise healthy. Maybe he's not interested in food as much as finding a girl this time around, it really beats me.


Like Walter said he should be getting ft mice weekly
How often is too often to feed mice in your opinion? I know they have trouble digesting fur, but there just seem to be so many good nutrients packed into a mouse.


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I my opinion/experience, mice should form staple of diet, followed by high-quality dog food, and entails, like hearts, gizzards, liver, etc. you can purchase hairless mice. Tegus do better with a few small insted of one big. Offer one, and if he eats it, offer another a few days later. This way you don't overload him after not having eaten much. Depending on size, etc., some days after the secpnd mouse and he poops, move up to maybe 4-5/week broken in two feedings.


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Also, try to offer some natural sunlight and dust food with calcium.


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I raise my own rats and right now Sev gets them twice a week depending on the size of the small rat / fuzzes he might get multiples per feeding. It’s like he knows when it’s rat day he’s out hunting and searching. He’ll watch me feed the snakes and it’s
like he knows he’s next. It doesn’t get anything big enough that he needs to take it down in stages. If he gulps it right down I’ll offer another. If he doesn’t take it then it’s a snakes lucky day. I only feed pre killed of course.

I try and feed whole food as often as possible. He hasn’t had any issues with fur passing, it just fine. If I’ve noticed he hasn’t gone number 2 in a day or so he gets a warm soak. Like snakes they’ll suck some water into their vent and use it to help move things along.

As far as other whole prey, small chicks, crayfish caught from the fresh stream behind my house, Minnows, earth warms, small frogs and tadpools caught from our pond.
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I raise my own rats and right now Sev gets them twice a week depending on the size of the small rat / fuzzes he might get multiples per feeding. It’s like he knows when it’s rat day he’s out hunting and searching. He’ll watch me feed the snakes and it’s
like he knows he’s next. It doesn’t get anything big enough that he needs to take it down in stages. If he gulps it right down I’ll offer another. If he doesn’t take it then it’s a snakes lucky day. I only feed pre killed of course.
Mine was visibly disappointed by fruit yesterday in anticipation of a mouse :) He ate his fruit reluctantly, but I could tell by his excited run to the door that he thought he was eating something better.


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I raise my own rats and right now Sev gets them twice a week depending on the size of the small rat / fuzzes he might get multiples per feeding. It’s like he knows when it’s rat day he’s out hunting and searching. He’ll watch me feed the snakes and it’s
like he knows he’s next. It doesn’t get anything big enough that he needs to take it down in stages. If he gulps it right down I’ll offer another. If he doesn’t take it then it’s a snakes lucky day. I only feed pre killed of course.

I try and feed whole food as often as possible. He hasn’t had any issues with fur passes it just fine. If I’ve noticed he hasn’t gone number 2 in a day or so he gets a warm soak. Like snakes they’ll suck some water into the vent and help move things along.

As far as other whole prey, small chicks, crayfish caught from the fresh stream behind my house, Minnows, earth warms, small frogs and tadpools caught from our pond.
Zyn- any risk of parasites from minnows, etc.?


Well-Known Member
Walter I haven’t noticed any issues so far, I keep an eye on his number 2s. The minnows I keep alive and put in his large water bowl really seems to enjoy that little hunt trying to catch them.


Little update. After the blood work came back nothing out of the ordinary I was kind of at witts end. Around two weeks later our forever winter receded and we has some nice days. Windows open fresh air etc. I also cranked the heat levels up higher than ever, like 104 ambient... Lord only knows basking. (assisted by just letting my room get crazy hot due to it being 80 out.) for about 2 days. And slowly.... Very slowly he accepted small small portions of scrambled eggs over the course of a week. I did this because you guys had mentioned about his stomach possibly being weak after being empty for so long.

Temps back into sensible levels

Now he has an insatiable appetite almost aggressive. Haven't moved to rats again since im out, but he will easily take 5-7 adult mice, around 3oz of chicken gizzards, a calf liver, and around an ounce of wild catfish dusted with repashy calcium plus loD and he's gotten the vitamin A plus 1x.

And normal complete stools like I remember.

Seems he knows he's underweight. He's never taken this much food voluntarily. But I'm so glad. His tail is already fattening back up and his hips are starting to be hidden again. He just looks healthier.... He's always been a pretty red, but even his blue specs are coming back after finally eating right.

Thanks for all the help and bearing with me and not just hammering on me!

My guess was stuck in brumation? Even though he's never went down. Before... Idk. Either way I'm. Beyond thrilled


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5 Year Member
Little update. After the blood work came back nothing out of the ordinary I was kind of at witts end. Around two weeks later our forever winter receded and we has some nice days. Windows open fresh air etc. I also cranked the heat levels up higher than ever, like 104 ambient... Lord only knows basking. (assisted by just letting my room get crazy hot due to it being 80 out.) for about 2 days. And slowly.... Very slowly he accepted small small portions of scrambled eggs over the course of a week. I did this because you guys had mentioned about his stomach possibly being weak after being empty for so long.

Temps back into sensible levels

Now he has an insatiable appetite almost aggressive. Haven't moved to rats again since im out, but he will easily take 5-7 adult mice, around 3oz of chicken gizzards, a calf liver, and around an ounce of wild catfish dusted with repashy calcium plus loD and he's gotten the vitamin A plus 1x.

And normal complete stools like I remember.

Seems he knows he's underweight. He's never taken this much food voluntarily. But I'm so glad. His tail is already fattening back up and his hips are starting to be hidden again. He just looks healthier.... He's always been a pretty red, but even his blue specs are coming back after finally eating right.

Thanks for all the help and bearing with me and not just hammering on me!

My guess was stuck in brumation? Even though he's never went down. Before... Idk. Either way I'm. Beyond thrilled
That's fantastic news. He'll get the hang of the new climate.

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