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Here are some update pics of Dexter and Rozalyn. Dex weighed in at 350g today and Roz at 355g. Rozalyn is growing like a weed. I cant believe she passed Dexter up as she was hatched weeks later. They are both not showing any signs of slowing down yet so I'm hoping that they decide not to hibernate this year. Let me know what you think and keep posting those pictures and updates!
I weighed Sam Saturday, and he's at 297 grams. He spends most of his time hiding, and hasn't been eating a ton. I hate winter! I'm glad you posted weights so I can make sure he's kind of keeping up.
@dx2killa @Lauraj10551 @Matthew Krzemienski They're all looking Great!!! I'm happy everyone's blues are in great health and doing good and growing! Here's a pic of Wapo I just took to
Share with you all!
THANK YOU @AssassinExotics And Yes He Is From Ty Parks Stock and his white Don't Even Show In Pics His Whites Are Amazing....And that's a cool Bed lol @Matthew Krzemienski