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I'm a friend with a girl on FB and she was posting pics of her B&W Argentine. He's already 1,000 grams at 5 months old.. He's crazy huge...
Sam seems to be the same size as all of yours, so I guess he's doing ok Just shed again yesterday. He did down a F/T fuzzy yesterday. I will defrost 2 for him tomorrow.
gota take pics of onix when i get home today he just shed everything but his tail. I've been letting him free roam my room as of light. The little turd has been starting to run from me back to his cage when i come back in my room from doing other stuff..its funny lol but seems like his still a little skittish
Here are Dex and Roz. They are at 472 and 490g respectively and still active most of the day. Now I just have to start looking for a het albino boy to make some 50% het hatchlings!
Sammy looks the same size as all of yours, but only weighs 33o grams. He only wants to eat every other day now. I can't wait until he gets his new enclosure this week!
Every night (maybe 7pm ish, I work late) I feed them. Usually it's a variety of hare-today whole ground meats mixed with scrambled egg and some green leafy veggie. You can see a video of what it looks like earlier in this thread. Then maybe 2-3 times per week I feed FT hoppers and FT 1 day old quail. Each gu will eat 1-3 FT items. They get a small amount of fruit maybe once a week. Occasionally supplement with calcium w/o D3, sometimes with D3, sometimes with multivitamin (not a regular schedule, just as I remember to) Some days they eat a lot, some days not so much. Then I usually keep them out and about til I go to bed around 10ish or so.
A pic from tonight in the bed they sleep in while they are out) iPhone for scale.
@Matthew Krzemienski They look great...I have wapos time setup according to the sunlight so he's down when the suns down and at times I feed him everyday but for the most part I don't so he has time to digest what he ate...helps prevent impaction
Well I have almost the exact same schedule as you @Matthew Krzemienski !! Like to the "T". Times, feeding, food and all... only thing Sam is missing is a dog bed for when he is out. He usually goes in the cat crate I have, the doors open and there's a sweatshirt in there
@Lauraj10551 I'm sure Sam will catch up eventually in size and weight if you continue that schedule. My gu's love their dog bed. Just put a blanket or a pillow on top of them in it and you wont see them for hours.