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tegu misconception


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Jbrew_Tegu said:
There honestly is no use in communicating with you in my mind... I am going to do my best to stay out of threads you are involved in. :s

So the issue seems to be you. All I did was ask you to provide posts that I have made that are rude and have no useful information in them. What is wrong with that?

Everyonce in a while there is a new member that can't handle being confronted on the information they post.

As far as my statement that was made in this post that was so rude, if it doesn't apply to you, you shouldn't take offense. If it does apply, I could see how you may find it rude.


New Member
james.w said:
Jbrew_Tegu said:
There honestly is no use in communicating with you in my mind... I am going to do my best to stay out of threads you are involved in. :s

So the issue seems to be you. All I did was ask you to provide posts that I have made that are rude and have no useful information in them. What is wrong with that?

Everyonce in a while there is a new member that can't handle being confronted on the information they post.

As far as my statement that was made in this post that was so rude, if it doesn't apply to you, you shouldn't take offense. If it does apply, I could see how you may find it rude.

No the issue is you! I am not going to waste my time doing that. I have better stuff to do(obviously you do not). Seriously Quit. Stop comparing me to other new members and stop doing what you are doing. I know what your immature self is doing and I will not feed into it. You here me. I am NOT the only one who thinks you are what you are. Maybe we should start a post/thread about that???
james.w said:
Why do the majority of people here expect everyone to know about reptiles?? Reptiles are a hobby that not everyone is interested in, why should they research them? That is like saying because you can't tune an engine you are a moron, or because you can't play the piano you are ignorant. Not everyone has the same interests in the world, and some of you are making them out to be morons, stupid, ignorant, etc because of that. This thread is full of ignorant people, some of you should look in the mirror and you will see just what a moron looks like.

the end is what seems like to be the mean part is what i thought jb thought was rude


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Monstruo. Like I said if the statement doesn't apply to you, how could it be rude.

Jbrew. I could care less about you, if you would like me to not question your information, dont post it. You are giving wrong information to people who have never kept a tegu (like yourself) and I feel they should have the correct information.
Jbrew_Tegu said:
james.w said:
Jbrew_Tegu said:
There honestly is no use in communicating with you in my mind... I am going to do my best to stay out of threads you are involved in. :s

So the issue seems to be you. All I did was ask you to provide posts that I have made that are rude and have no useful information in them. What is wrong with that?

Everyonce in a while there is a new member that can't handle being confronted on the information they post.

As far as my statement that was made in this post that was so rude, if it doesn't apply to you, you shouldn't take offense. If it does apply, I could see how you may find it rude.

No the issue is you! I am not going to waste my time doing that. I have better stuff to do(obviously you do not). Seriously Quit. Stop comparing me to other new members and stop doing what you are doing. I know what your immature self is doing and I will not feed into it. You here me. I am NOT the only one who thinks you are what you are. Maybe we should start a post/thread about that???

Look here, I know there are people that think I am rude or whatever, do I care, ummmmm, nope. There are a whole lot more who appreciate my information and the way that I give it. If you don't appreciate it don't listen/read it.

The fact that you gave me a negative reputation only shows who the immature one really is.


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monstruo-the-tegu said:
i personally didnt think it was rude its rude to think someone was being rude when they werent

Look there Jbrew, someone who didn't think I was rude.
james.w said:
monstruo-the-tegu said:
i personally didnt think it was rude its rude to think someone was being rude when they werent

Look there Jbrew, someone who didn't think I was rude.

James wasn't being rude, i'm guessing he is just a straight forward person, no sugar coating when he gives advice, which in most cases allows a person to learn a lot more.


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Quartzyellowjacket said:
james.w said:
monstruo-the-tegu said:
i personally didnt think it was rude its rude to think someone was being rude when they werent

Look there Jbrew, someone who didn't think I was rude.

James wasn't being rude, i'm guessing he is just a straight forward person, no sugar coating when he gives advice, which in most cases allows a person to learn a lot more.

Thanks again.


New Member
OH MAN don't even get me started lol. Everyone does this to almost all my animals.

I've had my Macaws been called PARAKEETS! I've had my Kinkajou been called a cat and a ferret by EVERYONE. I've had my Tibetan Mastiff been called all sorts of other breeds. Even my Blue Tongue Skink has been called an Iguana and a Snake. T_T Fail.

I've never had people tell me I'm wrong with knowing what type of pet I have though, that's just plain ignorance. Yea I'm sure you, mr random person who watched animal planet one time TOTALLY knows what type of lizard that I own and care for. *sigh* That's when you whip out a picture of an iguana and be like BAM, completely different species.

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