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This may be biased....BUT...Who do feel is the best Tegu breeder


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Tegudude88 said:
Yes but he is horrible at selling and dealing with people who want his awesome animals

Blablabla, quit misleading people. NOTE TO EVERYONE READING THIS: If you order from Bobby Hill - I am CERTAIN you will not receive a tegu. Don't waste your time, instead go with breeders who people would still back 100%.


New Member
TeguBuzz said:
Tegudude88 said:
Yes but he is horrible at selling and dealing with people who want his awesome animals

Blablabla, quit misleading people. NOTE TO EVERYONE READING THIS: If you order from Bobby Hill - I am CERTAIN you will not receive a tegu. Don't waste your time, instead go with breeders who people would still back 100%.

Who do you recommend personally? i was looking into Underground and Wil but i havent gotten a reply back yet


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
naleme said:
TeguBuzz said:
Tegudude88 said:
Yes but he is horrible at selling and dealing with people who want his awesome animals

Blablabla, quit misleading people. NOTE TO EVERYONE READING THIS: If you order from Bobby Hill - I am CERTAIN you will not receive a tegu. Don't waste your time, instead go with breeders who people would still back 100%.

Who do you recommend personally? i was looking into Underground and Wil but i havent gotten a reply back yet

I would definitely go with Wil if he has anything available, he's a great guy and a moderator on this forum. Laura as well, she's got nice stock. Never dealt with either but I'd vouch for them based off of what I've seen from them and people have only said positive things. I would definitely go with Tegu Terra or Ty Park. Underground has some nice stuff, but I've never purchased a tegu from them, I have purchased a ball python from them and that went quite well.


New Member
Okay! i contacted them all but what suprised me was that Ty replied after 5minutes on email! haha sadly he's all sold out so ill have to wait till june... I was hoping to get a juvenile then a hatchling


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
naleme said:
Okay! i contacted them all but what suprised me was that Ty replied after 5minutes on email! haha sadly he's all sold out so ill have to wait till june... I was hoping to get a juvenile then a hatchling

He's quick with responding because it all goes to his iPhone. If you have seen MacGyver the red tegu on YouTube, he came from Ty's stock. It'll be worth the wait.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
naleme said:
What is the site Laura owns? i would like to check her site out

I don't think she has a site. She is also a moderator on the forum, laurarfl. There are a couple threads people have started to keep track of the tegus she's sold, ill see if I can find any of them for you.


Well sounds like a good thing that i didnt buy my first argentine from bobby this was years ago but i ended up getting a different tegu thank god haha the whole shipping thing is iffy so i bought one at a local show


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Tegudude88 said:
I'm not misleading anyone?I'm giving my opinion of who I think is good at BREEDING tegus..Jesus

Your statement will make new people/members think it is still OK to buy from Bobby. All the listed breeders are "good" at breeding tegus, but that's not all one has to account for when purchasing a tegu. Being able to communicate with your customers openly is a key component in all this. Yes, he was good at breeding tegus - but so are Johnny, Ty, Laura, and Wil.


TeguBuzz said:
Tegudude88 said:
I'm not misleading anyone?I'm giving my opinion of who I think is good at BREEDING tegus..Jesus

Your statement will make new people/members think it is still OK to buy from Bobby. All the listed breeders are "good" at breeding tegus, but that's not all one has to account for when purchasing a tegu. Being able to communicate with your customers openly is a key component in all this. Yes, he was good at breeding tegus - but so are Johnny, Ty, Laura, and Wil.

Bobby scammed us all, and if you even got A GU FROM HIM THIS YEAR, HE WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO WALK OR WOULD HAVE JUST DIED!!! so there you go. not my opinion. its a fact. Johny is a great guy and so are a lot of people but not bobby.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
TeguBlake said:
TeguBuzz said:
Tegudude88 said:
I'm not misleading anyone?I'm giving my opinion of who I think is good at BREEDING tegus..Jesus

Your statement will make new people/members think it is still OK to buy from Bobby. All the listed breeders are "good" at breeding tegus, but that's not all one has to account for when purchasing a tegu. Being able to communicate with your customers openly is a key component in all this. Yes, he was good at breeding tegus - but so are Johnny, Ty, Laura, and Wil.

Bobby scammed us all, and if you even got A GU FROM HIM THIS YEAR, HE WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO WALK OR WOULD HAVE JUST DIED!!! so there you go. not my opinion. its a fact. Johny is a great guy and so are a lot of people but not bobby.

Your "fact" is wrong. Are you saying everyone who got a tegu from Bobby this year ended up with a limp or dead tegu? Biggin and Gwanji are doing great last I heard. I don't know of any tegus people got from Bobby this year that ended up limp or dead other than that one guy who posted a vid on YouTube about it.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Without reading all the garbage posted before this, I will say that it depends on what species you're looking for. I personally would purchase from Wil first as he is a great guy to deal with and breeds on a much smaller scale so he personally cares for all his animals which in my opinion is nice to see. Laura is also great to deal with and breeds on a smaller scale so I would buy from her next. If they both didn't have what I was looking for I would go to Ty Park, who is awesome to deal with but is a large scale breeder. Finally, I would consider purchasing from Johnny although I did not appreciate or condone the way he handled himself after Bobby's issues, ie talking himself up on a thread about Bobby etc. From what I've seen he has good looking stock but his actions rubbed me the wrong way. I think that with the exception of Laura, all of these people produce the three main types of tegus, blues, reds and B&Ws, but I don't think Wil produces Chacoans and I don't know if Ty does either. On a side note, anyone who still wants to purchase from Bobby has got to be either crazy or stupid and I'll leave it at that.


New Member
Bobby hill stole from me and countless others he sux and his tegus if he ever had any are the same as everyone elses. im out $150 no phone number to call and wont respond to emails. Also one of his sites is officially down. Personally i cant believe some of you are still saying hes good show so effing solidarity for his victims does he really deserve anymore money???


New Member
we already established like to months ago he had that number disconnected so you should try the number yourself before posting falsely again. also i had a friend email him a week before xmas posing as an interested party and he got a response asking for a moneygram. bobby is a criminal.


blokhedd said:
Bobby hill stole from me and countless others he sux and his tegus if he ever had any are the same as everyone elses. im out $150 no phone number to call and wont respond to emails. Also one of his sites is officially down. Personally i cant believe some of you are still saying hes good show so effing solidarity for his victims does he really deserve anymore money???

I keep reading that he's not answering emails so I figured I'd post here:
Before reading any BoI or doing any research into Bobby's recent failures I had contacted him about reserving a 2013 tegu. I had done this because back in 2011 I was going to do the same but things came up. So anyway, sent him an email asking how to go about reserving an...un-made tegu (being a breeder myself I'd never ever ever take pre-orders on eggs, so much can go wrong, a list of interested parties, however, would be a better way to do this. Make a list, in order of original contact date, and go down the list until all born, healthy animals are sold and then contact anyone left on the list and ask if they'd like to be moved to the top of next year's list, so on and so forth), and he replied pretty quickly with ordering information. And then I found the BOI on Fauna and ended all contact with him. So, he's answering emails IF you're interested in buying from him. It might be a good idea to start off that way (feign interest in a 2013 and get a few replies out of him) and then ask him if he plans on fulfilling your order from last year or the year before.
He ended up asking for a moneygram to reserve something that doesn't even exist and that was just no. Once you send a moneygram you can't get it back. At least with paypal there'd be a window of time to open a dispute and get a deposit or final payment back.

Also, someone's business transactions don't count for or against them having quality animals to sell. Someone can be a down right arse and still produce the best animals there are. But, when buying the quality should not be all that matters, that's why the Fauna BOI and similar areas exist, so we know who really deserves our money after all. Does Bobby have good animals? From my research years ago his were the best out there. Does that mean he deserves more money? Not in my opinion; I'd never buy from someone who's going to take my money and pocket it and then cut off all contact with me.

Anyway, as far as best breeders go I would not know! I'm still on the search for a tegu to add to my reptile family. In the past I've been a big supporter of the small scale breeders. Overall I tend to get better responses, people who are happy to answer questions any time of day, and perhaps even healthier animals. I also feel like that, by supporting smaller breeders, you're supporting the economy a little bit more. Larger businesses (like Ben Seigel Reptiles, Underground, LLL, Outback, Big Apple, etc.,) might be paying employees but their general profits are going towards buying more animals to sell whereas personal breeders are buying groceries or hardware or whatever with their profits and that's feeding the economy a little more than a big distributor buying imported animals. With that said, some of the larger shops (LLL for example) buy from breeders and give them a guaranteed sale and that's always good.

So, long post short, support the little guys more than the big businesses (meaning buy from the breeders and not the distributors), if you're going to buy from a distributor buy from one that gets its animals from breeders.

Also, I find this post really helpful becaaaause now I know who to go to for my tegu (if I'm patient enough to wait for baby season!).


Active Member
5 Year Member
blokhedd said:
we already established like to months ago he had that number disconnected so you should try the number yourself before posting falsely again. also i had a friend email him a week before xmas posing as an interested party and he got a response asking for a moneygram. bobby is a criminal.
I wasn't gullible enough to buy from him in the first place and I, as well as a few others, surely saw this coming after the season before lasts issues which were made fairly public. Due to this, I have no reason to read every update or follow whether he changes his phone number or not or to call him to ensure that it's an updated number. That's the last updated one I saw so I posted it. I didn't "falsely post" so you should calm down. I'm not supporting Bobby in case you didn't actually read my post.


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1,000+ Post Club
When I put my deposit down for Gwangi, at the time I read a lot of good things about him. I heard the bad stuff while I was waiting. I consider myself lucky.

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