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This may be biased....BUT...Who do feel is the best Tegu breeder


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
Well, first, thank you for the compliments. Second, I'll chip in my two cents as well. As far as the best breeder, it is really difficult to say. Bobby produced excellent stock, I have had two gorgeous tegus from him. But with his actions in the previous years, I would never feel comfortable recommending him again. Sad to say that, really. So I would recommend Wil and Ty first, then Tegu Terra.


New Member
TeguBuzz said:
Johnny LaRocca has always been my go to breeder. AKA Tegu Terra. I've known him for several years and have never had a bad experience with him. He's always available whether it be through email or phone, and if he misses my call - I always hear back. Two years ago I would have vouched for Bobby Hill - but Johnny always came first. His prices are a little high but the stock is well worth it in the end.

I can also vouch for Ty Park. I've never purchased a tegu from him but I have dealt with him in the past with other reptiles. I've seen the tegus he has produced in the past, and they all looked great. His prices are also very affordable.

what is ty park website ??

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
The original question is practically a mute point and should have been more specific. As is there is no best breeder, there's no set breeding standard to determine that. Everyone does things differently from setups and care to customer service, and some are better in one area than others.
Just because bobby had issues these last couple of years (and how he handled them) does that make him a bad breeder,.. no. Him breeding and his stock has nothing to do with customer service or lack of lately.

If you look long and hard enough you can find something negative or a disgruntled customer with just about anybody. After what you find it's up to you whether or not you want to take a chance and deal with that person or not.
Things happen and everyone handles each situation differently. It only takes one situation for anybody to fall from grace the same way bobby did. Especially since people in general are so fickle anyway. A lot of peoples animals breeders or not came from bobby anyway that includes tegu terra, they had their issues as well before people jumped on that band wagon.

Who has the best stock would have been a more specific question but even that response would vary from one to the next, since not everyone likes the same thing. On top of that personal experience and or hear say would cloud a lot of peoples opinions on that as well.
What's attractive to you or what you may look for in a tegu or anything else may not be the same for the next person.

Back to the Op for the question as is "who do you feel is the best tegu breeder" for me,.. just look at their stock. As a breeder their stock should speak for itself. Some people will breed anythng while others are more selective and it shows.

Hands down from black heads to extremes bobby has the best stock. They're the reason why he had the reputation he had. Especially where extremes, white heads, chacos or what ever you want to call them are concerned. I have yet to see one from another breeder that with them, compare to his. I would like to have seen what he could have done with blues.

Stock wise with Blue tegus it gets a little more complicated for me since few people have been around long enough breeding them. On top of that I haven't seen enough babies or adults from them to say one way or the other who I like better.

Which reminds me of the comedian Gary Owen, as he said " Anybody can make a pretty baby, impress me and make a pretty adult. For some people once their parents features kick in,.. it's over."


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
Good post! I will always think of Bobby as the top breeder of tegus. I just think his business ethics bit the dust. I also think it is was a personal issue that he couldn't recover from. But I don't want to start another Bobby bashing thread. I liked Bobby because he picked out characteristics he liked and bred selectively. To me, that is indicative of a good breeder. Someone who wants to improve the animal rather than turn a quick buck. Of course people need to make a profit to breed, but breeding whatever you have on hand for sheer profit isn't really "breeding" per se.


New Member
For any Canadians out there, I recently received a Tegu from Tegu Topia. The Tegu I received is very healthy and the breeder is extremely knowledgeable. This is my first Tegu ever so I can't offer too much of an opinion but you will not be disappointed as far as I am concerned :p

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