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too harsh


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I'm not sure what my involvement will be. I'm tired of all the whining and complaining. If you don't want advice, don't come on a public forum and ask for it, but then get upset when it isn't what you want to hear. Don't post pictures or information about yourself or what you have going on if you don't want questions or concerns addressed.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I'm somewhat surprised by this. For one, I consider you (James), a straight to the point kind type guy. You find the wrongs in the situation and give very helpful tips and advice on how to turn those wrongs into rights. I personally see nothing mean in that. I never considered you mean, but personally I found you somewhat intimidating. Don't get me wrong, I say that in the most non-offensive way. What I'm trying to get at is that if I ever chose to get into a controversial thread that you had posted in and wanted to say something replying to your response, I really would think hard before posting just to make sure I'm not saying anything that was wrong. I don't think you've ever actually insulted anyone directly, if at all. I found you very helpful in almost all situations and would still go to you if I required any help.

You (as well as the other mods) did your work as a mod pretty damn well in cleaning the forums of spam. If people found your approach to a situation harsh and mean, then they clearly were unaware of the fact that you were there to help. I like your choice of wording, "sugar coating" things isn't required when trying to help anyone.

I'm hoping that you don't go off the forums - it wouldn't be the same, haha. I've been on here since October, which isn't too long of a time, but day one you welcomed me to the forums as did many others, and I kept up with most of your posts. You always had interesting things to say and obviously had evidence to back it up, so I don't see where all the "James is a meanie" came from.

That's about all I have to say, I apologize if some of the things I wrote don't make complete sense, English is not my first language and my iPad keeps autocorrecting my spelling mistakes. Do stick around James!



i hope people on here no they are losing someone very needed here. like when dana went over to you no where sorry dana you didnt like what they told you but it all has some truth and so do you but thats what you get for asking someones 2-cents.


New Member
Funny, I get home from work and my gf has fb drama. With her bff.

Get on my favorite tegu board and read through a little drama.

Then my gf calls and I get to hear a lot more drama.

Then I notice my juvie Skoob is shedding, so I get off the phone and try to help him with the shed. Then he darts off, lifts his rear and ya, you know...does something that rhymes with escalates. I'm in the middle of cleaning it up and...

Then she calls again. More drama, she didn't get deleted, she just got blocked from viewing her friends "stuff". Now I'm like um, cool story bro to my girl cause I really gotta clean this stuff that rhymes with skit up because we all know it stinks like rotten sh}t, which under careful examination, it is. Sigh.

Now, here I am again bwahahaha!

All I can say in regards to James is this:

Posts: 3,144
Joined: Aug 2010
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Pretty much speaks for itself without having to say a word.

Opps gotta go there's the gf calling again, she just texted me and told me more drama, Ally didn't potty in the tub, she instead decided to lay a nice 2 inch pile on her pink rug...ugh oh...

Drama, it's the new thing.


I always thought you were very blunt, and to the point with your posts. It made you come across as cold blooded :p haha. I was offended sometimes, then after a while of getting to know your style I'd think, "That's just james.w!". It's your style and personality. It just is what it is.

As far as people "being too sensitive" and "this isn't 3rd grade" that is all fine and well. But being a nice person is just common courtesy, doesn't make you weak, doesn't make you lame. If anything it will help your information to actually take effect into peoples decisions. It also has a lot to do with respect for people, which you have to have as a moderator.

I can understand you getting sick and tired of people complaining and whining. One thing about being a moderator is you see and deal with the same crap that comes up week after week, month after month, year after year. You just have to deal with it, not let it get on your nerves. Some people are not the brightest, while others are more advanced in their thinking. You have to take the good with the bad, and just deal with it.

I hope you stay on the boards though, one positive thing I will say about you is you know your stuff, and always pop up to give advice.


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5 Year Member
Hahahaha welcome to the 21st century. If people get offended by someone being up front with them then I don't know what the world's come to. I don't get offended by much and frankly I don't really care if others are offended by my opinions or the truth. I don't find you offensive at all for the record.


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5 Year Member
What you all have to realize is there's a way to deal with people, it may have not been the case of him being open and honest with someone, it could have very well been the basic deliverance that nay have offended that person, we need to worry more about education rather than who offended who, this site was created to help, teach and show off tegus but apparently were loosing our way


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reptastic said:
What you all have to realize is there's a way to deal with people, it may have not been the case of him being open and honest with someone, it could have very well been the basic deliverance that nay have offended that person, we need to worry more about education rather than who offended who, this site was created to help, teach and show off tegus but apparently were loosing our way

There is actually more than one "way" to deal with people.


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5 Year Member
Education comes in many forms, not just the oh it's okay that you're screwing up and putting your animal in danger type. I think that James not only brings a direct approach to the table but also can admit when he is wrong.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
james.w said:
reptastic said:
What you all have to realize is there's a way to deal with people, it may have not been the case of him being open and honest with someone, it could have very well been the basic deliverance that nay have offended that person, we need to worry more about education rather than who offended who, this site was created to help, teach and show off tegus but apparently were loosing our way

There is actually more than one "way" to deal with people.

I didn't say there wasn't, its all about respect
The members who are getting upset by James seem kinda childish, comparing to a 3rd grade classroom seem off. The whole "James is being a big meanie" regresses to kindergarten, but when faced with a kindergarten problem, why not give a kindergarten solution? I remember back in kindergarten our class would tattle so much, so our teacher made the tattle bag. Whenever a kid would have a pointless tattle because John took their block or Joe stole an animal cracker you could waltz on over to the tattle bag and tell on them to their heart's content. Why not do something similar to that if people can't take advice or constructive criticism?


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haha thats is hilarious but i think it a pretty good solution. if anything it will get some of that anger off peoples chest.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
Well...just to be objective....James is the one who said he was mean. And is it a "pointless tattle"? I really don't have a dog in this fight, so to speak. But it is odd that if someone has an objection to something, it is labelled as being childish or overly sensitive. Then again, if this is over a particular posting, I must have missed it. :)

And is it an age thing? Maybe I'm just old and I see it differently, lol

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