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I know most soils come with manure, but I wanna just clarify if its safe or not to have that stuff in the substrate. It says on the package "do not let animals consume" but there is no other options of when it comes to soil. Its organic, all natural. theres no additives and stuff like that...
Don't have any photos yet, that will be next, but I just got a steal a few days ago. A friend of mine who is a breeder had these two geckos he didn't want anymore because he didn't have a breeding partner for them, so he gave them to me for free. I got one Nephrurus levis or Smooth Knob Tailed...
check this site out. he already went to court, but it just goes to show how stupid people can be.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kenny-glenn.net/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.kenny-glenn.net/</a><!-- m -->
be warned, its hard to watch. its just...
Sorry i haven't messaged you in so long about the status of the gecko you sent me. i've been busy with school and wrestling training, etc. i was going to pm these to you, but i decided they were pics for anyone. just to show that he/she is doing well (i can't really see any bulge right now...
So, my misting system has pretty much failed me and turned into a spraying system, so the cage gets a nice little layer of water. Is their anything i can use to maybe fog or steam the cage? My system is just not working and i need that humidity up. Its around 30 only! I give him three baths...
took awhile to getting to. here we are.
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Bert Langwerf is selling like half of his farm? His condition is not good right now and we should really keep him in our thoughts. It looks like he can't do it much longer and where will all those tegus go?
I know, this may sound ridiuclus. Bert Langwerf is a world renowned tegu breeder and has written many books on tegus. I would just like to know if he is ok to buy from. He doesn't send out pictures of the animal you are buying unless it's one of his more rare animals he breeds. Has anyone...
is this ok for a baby for like a few months while i finish building the big cage, because i know it doesn't hold humidity very well, but i can't find anything cheap or large enough that does. i would just have to spray in it more and the water bowl could give humididty.
is epoxy good enough or do you need something else. apparently, at a nearby pet store, the owner says that epoxy isn't enough and will rot in a year and he says to use tarp or pond liner for the bottom and sides of the cage. I'm thinking "Thats going to look retarded." Any suggestions and is...
I'm building a wooden cage right now and was wondering what wood be the best way to keep it from rotting and wouldn't be terribly hard to setup? THANKS!