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colombian tegu

  1. G

    Is peanut butter ok to feed

    Have fed my Colombian tegu mostly meat and rats with some green on the side but is it ok to give them a bit of peanut butter once in a while like with dogs?
  2. palbatross

    Argentine or Colombian

    Just got this Tegu two days ago from an individual seller. Now I’m wondering if it’s not an Argentine, but in fact a Colombian. It does have the two scales between the nostril and eyes on both sides, as well as a line down both sides of the back. The skin also feels beaded, which I heard is an...
  3. J


    Hey guys was hoping to get a confirmation on enclosure temp. I have a basking spot of approximately 110, hot side 85-90 and a cool side of about 80(+/-2°) while night temps dropping to 75-78°, is this appropriate for a Colombian tegu? I'm aware they live on the equator so temps are fairly...
  4. J


    Hey guys was hoping to get a confirmation on enclosure temp. I have a basking spot of approximately 110, hot side 85-90 and a cool side of about 80(+/-2°) while night temps dropping to 75-78°, is this appropriate for a Colombian tegu? I'm aware they live on the equator so temps are fairly...
  5. J

    First tegu, lighting set up

    Hi everyone my name is Jesse and I will be receiving my first tegu, a Colombian and yes I'm well aware of their feisty reputation haha. I'd really appreciate some help on setting up her lighting (what watt bulbs, light coverage, reaching appropriate basking and ambient temperatures, placement...
  6. ItzBing

    Golden Tegu owner!

    23inches and tamed already. Very smart already.
  7. Raegennaomi

    I can't get my Columbian to eat anything except protein

    Hey folks, I'm very new to the Tegu World and I'm a little concerned about my juvenile. I received her as a rescue about a month ago, and from her size I'm guessing she's about 4 months old. She eats and sheds well, and is very docile considering how young she is. The only problem is that she...
  8. C

    Adult Colombian tegu food

    I picked up a 3 yr old female tegu from a pet show aafew weeks ago and she's been eating regularly, everything has been going well, she's settling into a new enclosure I picked up over the weekend etc etc. Just was looking around and maybe I didn't look hard enough but didn't really see any...
  9. BlepTongueSkink

    This is Bubba

    Hey y'all. I got a new colombian gold tegu! His name is Asriel, but I just call him Bubba. He's a bit skittish, but I dont think he's something I won't be able to handle. Hail Bubba!
  10. BlepTongueSkink

    Tell me your colombian tegu success stories!

    Hi y'all. I have a gold tegu named Bubba that I got from my local small petstore a little over a week ago. He was in the petstore since he was a baby, and is about 4-5 months old now. So far I feel like I've been taking steps in the right direction to calm him down, but I get discouraged easily...
  11. Mason Rivers

    Golden tegu for SALE

    I’ve got a 20” golden tegu for sale. Age: unsure Sex: looks to be a female Temperment: she’ll warm up and let you pet her and pick her up and has a very funny personality, but can be grumpy. Health: Very healthy, feeds well, alert and active Looking to trade for an Argentine tegu Feel free to...
  12. ReptiFiles

    I'm researching Argentine and Colombian tegus (Meet Kreacher!)

    Hi everyone! My name is Mariah, and I'm the author/researcher behind ReptiFiles.com. I've been developing a care guide on Argentine (Salvator) and Colombian (Tupinambis) tegus. It's almost complete, but I would really appreciate some feedback on the information if any here are willing to give...
  13. Lulu road trip

    Lulu road trip

    sat on my legs for an hour watching the road fly