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For everyone who has a Jam x Whitey Baby hatched on June 29


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Have you tried crickets? I haven't--but I hear they go nuts for those.

Cleo thinks she has to "kill" everything. If its not turkey, or egg, she whips it around like nobody's business. Makes feeding f/t rats exciting again lol


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Meg90 said:
Have you tried crickets? I haven't--but I hear they go nuts for those.

Cleo thinks she has to "kill" everything. If its not turkey, or egg, she whips it around like nobody's business. Makes feeding f/t rats exciting again lol

He's only eaten turkey, f/t mice and some berries for me :( i tried feeding him a cricket and he didn't go for it >.> i really want him to eat superworms and roaches.


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Have you tried flipping a roach over on its back, so only the legs move? I hear that helps---I hate insects. I try to keep species that don't need to eat them. When my geckos turn down crickets, I dump them outside. Can't keep em in the apartment overnight. They FREAK me out hardcore.

I can do anything reptile. Anything, without so much as flinching. But not bugs lol.


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Meg90 said:
Have you tried flipping a roach over on its back, so only the legs move? I hear that helps---I hate insects. I try to keep species that don't need to eat them. When my geckos turn down crickets, I dump them outside. Can't keep em in the apartment overnight. They FREAK me out hardcore.

I can do anything reptile. Anything, without so much as flinching. But not bugs lol.

It's more of a money issue with me, i can breed insects so i hope when he's done with the winter he'll chow down on some.

I like to cut down expenses when i can, because even though my reptiles eat before i do, i like to make it easier where i can.


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I feel that. I'll eat cup noodles for a month straight if that's what it takes to feed my brood. Luckily it's not! :-D We never cook---or we didn't before Cleo, now I HAVE to cook, or all that extra turkey will just go bad on me.

Ahhhh---I can't wait for the day when she'll eat more than one tablespoon out of the lb. LOL


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Meg90 said:
I feel that. I'll eat cup noodles for a month straight if that's what it takes to feed my brood. Luckily it's not! :-D We never cook---or we didn't before Cleo, now I HAVE to cook, or all that extra turkey will just go bad on me.

Ahhhh---I can't wait for the day when she'll eat more than one tablespoon out of the lb. LOL

Yeah seriously, at least with the insects you can put them back and save em for later!


5 Year Member
Meg90 said:
What state are you in? I'm in WI, and I have the same issue. Cleo doesn't eat as much as I would LIKE her too. But I think, no matter what I'm doing with my lights, she can feel the changes in barometric pressure, and is acting accordingly. My torts can tell if its a rainy day or not, without ever being outside..

I live in Ohio. It's been pretty cool, frost at night, low to mid 50's during the day and rainy here. Jango still scurries out of his hide as soon as he hears me coming down the stairs. The only thing that has slowed with him is his growth lengthwise. He's back down to about 1" a week. Oddly, he seems to be going through an SVL phase, his tail has hardly grown at all in 2 weeks. He's getting wider through the muscle in his neck and back and he's gained quite a bit of weight. Overall, he looks like he's getting bigger instead of just longer. Up until recently, he still looked like a juvie, kind of stretched out, he's starting to look more like an adult now.
He seems to be getting a little more finicky about his food too. If I feed him eggs or turkey, he won't finish it. But he will eat dozens of supers for dessert. He will also scarf down as many mice as he can pack in. Today, he ate 3 adult mice, then began to dig at the bowl that I put his supers in. I let him roam for about an hour or so, then put him in his feed box with a couple dozen supers. He sucked them down like he was starving. Jango's just a pig. Plain and simple.

BTW, I make his turkey into balls and freeze them in little zip-lock snack bags. About a day or two before feeding, I put a bag in the fridge to thaw. He gets turkey every second or third day.


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Fork said:
Meg90 said:
What state are you in? I'm in WI, and I have the same issue. Cleo doesn't eat as much as I would LIKE her too. But I think, no matter what I'm doing with my lights, she can feel the changes in barometric pressure, and is acting accordingly. My torts can tell if its a rainy day or not, without ever being outside.

I think the climate is part of the issue. I have just accepted that her growth will be slower because of it. She is very healthy and active otherwise.

And all I do on Xbox live is play Uno or watch netflix. Haha its the bf's really.

I live in OR so we probably are having the same problem for the same reasons :(

I'm in Ca, and maybe in the same boat. Kramer is around 21 inches.


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Bee is outside and doesn't miss a beat. But I can create artificial heat. I sure would love to have me some cold weather down here in Florida. Lol!


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Quijibo, do you have a specific feeding routine. You said Jango gets turkey every two or three days. When do you feed mice and what else are you giving him beside the HGH, lol


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5 Year Member
Hi Bobby,

Could you post some pictures of Jam and Whitey. I know I would love to see where these beutiful offspring come from and I'm sure others on here would too. It would be great to know how big they are as well because some of us have some beastly babies. Lol!


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Just got a chance to measure my little guy last night, kind of hard to keep them straight and still long enough to measure! He came in around 23"- probably more if I could keep him stretched out, but there's too many shiny things around for him to investigate haha.

After hearing about Jango though I think I'm going to go pick up some supers and see how he takes to them. He does enjoy Dubias quite a bit, but will only eat the huge ones... and the colony is too young still to feed him all of the breeders!

Also an opinion, I've been feeding him F/T fuzzy rats... which he swallows like they're nothing, should I move him into hopper mice? I'm still getting a feel for how much he can swallow... though it seems like if I put a small trailer in his bin he'd probably eat that :p


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Dvdh1 said:
Hi Bobby,

Could you post some pictures of Jam and Whitey. I know I would love to see where these beutiful offspring come from and I'm sure others on here would too. It would be great to know how big they are as well because some of us have some beastly babies. Lol!

Sorry Dave, but I do not have any pictures of this pair, I would go out and take some but they are fast asleep for the winter.


5 Year Member
Dvdh1 said:
Quijibo, do you have a specific feeding routine. You said Jango gets turkey every two or three days. When do you feed mice and what else are you giving him beside the HGH, lol

Day 1: turkey with calcium+ Cod liver oil. Day 2: Egg "omelet"- Egg, shell, few pieces of ground up Iams dry cat food for extra flavor. Day 3 or 4: Mice (notice I didn't say "mouse"). After every feeding he gets supers until he won't eat any more. About once a week he gets nothing but supers (dad's lazy day). My supers are in oatmeal with very little chicken mash. I put a large piece of collard greens on top every day or so for hydration and collards are high in calcium.
I'm going to start working in beef hearts and liver in the next few days.

I've taken him off the HGH.... he started growing pubes. :lol:


5 Year Member
Zilch said:
Just got a chance to measure my little guy last night, kind of hard to keep them straight and still long enough to measure! He came in around 23"- probably more if I could keep him stretched out, but there's too many shiny things around for him to investigate haha.

Also an opinion, I've been feeding him F/T fuzzy rats... which he swallows like they're nothing, should I move him into hopper mice? I'm still getting a feel for how much he can swallow... though it seems like if I put a small trailer in his bin he'd probably eat that :p

Jange got his first adult mouse at 24". It took him about 20 minutes to eat that first one, He seemed to be a little confused as to how it should be eaten. He would grab it in the middle, and walk around shaking it. He eventually figured out "pointy end first", and now he knows to go for the round, hard part. You'll love the sound it makes when your Gu crunches up the "hard part".

If the rodent isn't wider than your Gu's mouth, he will swallow it, no problem. I'll be moving on to rats pretty soon. I'd like to keep him on mice until he can swallow a juvie rat though. I think rodents that are closer to adulthood are better for them.


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Quijibo said:
Dvdh1 said:
Quijibo, do you have a specific feeding routine. You said Jango gets turkey every two or three days. When do you feed mice and what else are you giving him beside the HGH, lol

Day 1: turkey with calcium+ Cod liver oil. Day 2: Egg "omelet"- Egg, shell, few pieces of ground up Iams dry cat food for extra flavor. Day 3 or 4: Mice (notice I didn't say "mouse"). After every feeding he gets supers until he won't eat any more. About once a week he gets nothing but supers (dad's lazy day). My supers are in oatmeal with very little chicken mash. I put a large piece of collard greens on top every day or so for hydration and collards are high in calcium.
I'm going to start working in beef hearts and liver in the next few days.

I've taken him off the HGH.... he started growing a beard. :lol:

cool, thanks. I'd like to create more of a schedule instead of just grabbing stuff out of the freezer. I was gonna do mice day today (notice I didn't say mouse) and for some reason he didn't want anything to do with them. He will usually eat 2 or 3 plus anything else I throw him. I was feeling lazy, but I didn't get so lucky. Lol! So I ran the hot water and got the turkey, some beef hearts and some chicken gizards and thawed it and he ate all of it w/ the calcium of course. It felt like I was cooking for my kids. I DONT WANT THAT! Lol! It's a lot of fun though


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Quijibo said:
Jange got his first adult mouse at 24". It took him about 20 minutes to eat that first one, He seemed to be a little confused as to how it should be eaten. He would grab it in the middle, and walk around shaking it. He eventually figured out "pointy end first", and now he knows to go for the round, hard part. You'll love the sound it makes when your Gu crunches up the "hard part".

If the rodent isn't wider than your Gu's mouth, he will swallow it, no problem. I'll be moving on to rats pretty soon. I'd like to keep him on mice until he can swallow a juvie rat though. I think rodents that are closer to adulthood are better for them.

Awesome, I'll pick some up today, since those fuzzy rats go down like melted ice cream haha. You're spot on with the more mature rodents being better for them too, all those calcium filled tasty bones, thats one reason I want to move him onto older rodents instead of the squishy ones!

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