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Golden x argentine b&w hybrid!


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Strange_Evil said:
I still think its just a Argentine. Not the same, but look at post #71 in this thread http://www.tegutalk.com/showthread.php?tid=988&page=5#axzz1ZxxNkMpd

Congrats on the new tegu though!

That is the one I was thinking about when I saw this "Golden X B&W hybrid". What were the parents of him and was it from one of Bobby's clutches?


5 Year Member
Seems so, this is Roy


Being all the threads related to roy and Magnolia are in the Black and White discussion forum, i would guess so.

And if i'm correct, Reptastics Tegu "Rayne" is from this clutch, seems they produce high whites.


New Member
Awesome! Glad its safe with you, eating well, and not trying to rip your face off! I'm sure its in great hands now... as the people who sold it were less than knowledgeable about tegus in general =0)


New Member
Yeah she was from regular black and white parents bred to try at high white babies.
It seems Bobby did pretty well with that, I just got an oddball.


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He had said that the others he had gotten from that area were being sold for $99 + shipping. He has since pulled down the picture he had posted of the tegu. I'm not sure if he's going to raise the price or keep it where it is. I still don't think its a bad price but I won't be giving him any business because of his attitude towards others.


5 Year Member
rhetoricx said:
He had said that the others he had gotten from that area were being sold for $99 + shipping. He has since pulled down the picture he had posted of the tegu. I'm not sure if he's going to raise the price or keep it where it is. I still don't think its a bad price but I won't be giving him any business because of his attitude towards others.

I wouldn't believe a word that guy says...he's just trying to sell things. As is apparent by his cocky display of his lack of knowledge.


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In my opinion a WC tegu is not worth $100 even if it is Argentine considering you still have to pay shipping and CB tegus go for $150

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
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Las Vegas, NV.
That little incident put them on my list of DNSBRT, Do Not Sale, Buy, or Refer to. They had plenty of chances to correct it but instead went on and on about how it's a hybrid, they have proof, people are doing studies and they breed in their pins all the time. Even said they would post pics of the others all of which never happened when asked for proof. Instead they removed the post.

They're all from the same clutch so of course they're going to look similar since they have the same parents what ever they may be. Just like you'll get a few odd balls here and there as well.

When it comes to personal and business ethics they have very little.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
Ack! I got the name confused with another business with a similar name. I can't edit my post, can it be deleted? I don't want to publicly slur someone because of my mistake.


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laurarfl said:
Ack! I got the name confused with another business with a similar name. I can't edit my post, can it be deleted? I don't want to publicly slur someone because of my mistake.

I deleted it for you.


New Member
The tegu looks really pretty in the pics - but I really wanted to comment on Snakes at Sunset.
My fiance had arranged to trade an albino ball python for a red tegu from them at the Tampa Repticon show (June 2010). This tegu was LOADED with roundworms and hookworms (visible to the naked eye, I have pictures - but I also had my vet do several fecal exams as getting rid of these parasites was a LONG process). It took my vet 3 different tries w/ different meds to get rid of the worms (and he is a herp vet).
When I got Grok (the red tegu) he was missing more than half of his fingers/toes. He also had a burn mark on his leg, missing the tip of his tail, and missing a bunch of teeth. The Snakes at Sunset guy (Michael) offered to take the tegu back (because I angrily asked him what happened and why the tegu was in such poor health - he said someone dropped it off on his doorstep in that condition. I have no way of knowing what really happened, but I really didn't have a great experience with Snakes at Sunset. I am, however, really glad I have Grok, because he is a wonderful sweet tegu and I can make sure that he gets the care he needs and deserves. Still, I do think that the answer "the tegu was dropped off on my doorstep" was a poor answer - not only that, he had the tegu in a tank with another tegu that he was selling. If Grok was left on his doorstep, why wouldn't he keep the tegu quarantined from his other animals? As a dealer who works with wild caught animals he knows better. In any case, I will never deal with Michael or anyone from Snakes at Sunset again...


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
james.w said:
laurarfl said:
Ack! I got the name confused with another business with a similar name. I can't edit my post, can it be deleted? I don't want to publicly slur someone because of my mistake.

I deleted it for you.

Thanks! I don't think the businees I was thinking of is as bad as Snakes at Sunset sounds. Wow...incredible stories. There are so many reptiles running around in S FL. Unless he bred that tegu, there is no way he can say it is a hybrid. But it is just beating a dead horse at this point. :)


Well, my guy is out of brumation, so here are some pics. He did not sleep as deep as my two other B&W (normal and an extreme). See what you guys think. He looks more like an extreme (of course it is not, unless Snakes at Sunset bought it from Varnyard and then sold it for 30 bucks) then a regular B&W due to lighter color on his head, and more elongated snout. The pictures don't show colors well, but the spots on his back are yellow in color in real life.
It definitely is not a golden, but the price was that of a cheap golden.


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I wouldn't say extreme but I would say a very nice b/w female, I would guess its about 1.5 old

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