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how young

Dana C

Great! Now that's what I was hoping to hear! I want to hear about your monitors. I just got my first, a black throat, "Nyeusi Kinabo" and love him.
He is a very calm guy, and is giving me a ton of pleasure.


ks is good for monitors there is a lot of good people here for anything you would want to no about your black throat. you think your tegus or tegu eats a lot and gets big you just wait tell your little guy gets big i have seen them 5foot in one year lol us Berkley did some good studies on them they say they are the smartest lizard hope you have fun with him. thanks billy.


5 Year Member
james.w said:
wil said:
Bntegus said:
it is that is what happens. here is one of my blues he is just under 2years old and one of my bw that is 3 or so i cant go outside and take pics because it is raining so i will when i can.
here is a blue

sorry not good at this

That doesn't look like a blue. Do you have some pics of your albinos?

Are you saying it doesn't look like a blue due to the missing "teardrop"? I haven't seen many blues myself, but the silvery coloring of this one screams blue to me. Is the proof somewhere that all blues have the teardrop?

Not only is there a "teardrop" but also the brown or black nose. I haven't seen a blue yet without it, although some are darker and some are lighter. There are also other indicators too. From that picture, I can say that isn't a blue. It looks to be an exceptional black and white though. Better pictures would result in a definitive answer though.


i think all the little blues have the teardrop this tegu and 4 more of my blues are a lot bigger then most but not as big as bw all they are is a different local it is just like the giant it is just a local.


wil said:
Oh, Dana, a good monitor forum to go to is varanus.nl.

lol i was going to tell him to go there but then i thought about it and fr and the gang can be a little ruff some times well they are on ks to lol


5 Year Member
Frank isn't on varanus.nl he is on varanus.net. And he isn't necessarily offensive but more matter of fact.
Blues have not been classified one way or the other. No DNA testing has been done. So I wouldn't be too quick to say that they are just a locale. I would say they are different from regular B&Ws or Chocoans just in the big differences in the hatchlings. They also don't loose the "teardrop" or mark on the tip of their nose as they mature. Is that what your saying yours does?


wil said:
Frank isn't on varanus.nl he is on varanus.net. And he isn't necessarily offensive but more matter of fact.
Blues have not been classified one way or the other. No DNA testing has been done. So I wouldn't be too quick to say that they are just a locale. I would say they are different from regular B&Ws or Chocoans just in the big differences in the hatchlings. They also don't loose the "teardrop" or mark on the tip of their nose as they mature. Is that what your saying yours does?

sorry yes frank is on varanus.net lol. mine all have the same color blue just some have the bigger head and all the hets i have also have the big head. out of all my bw they all have a different nose head not two look a like and so on with reds and blues so do your albinos look like blues im saying nose head and so on mine dont they all smaller all around my male is only 9lbs and 40inchs i dont really get what we are try to figure out here if you dont think the pic i sent isnt a blue thats fine.


Along the lines of breeding tegus, I was able to finally confirm to myself that my B&W is a male (38 inches long about 2years old) and my extreme is a female ( 40inches, almost 2 yrs old). they live in the same outdoor enclosure and hibernated together. will the breeding just happen spontaneously or is there some coaxing needed.


the only help they need is support like heat food clean water somewhere good to lay eggs and more food. when i get a female ready to breed i will feed her as much as she will eat if she will eat five rats a day i give them to her and i keep the male just fed well but on the lite side dont no if this helps but that is what i do thanks billy.


So I guess it will happen sooner or later as long as I support them nutritionally. Do you build a nest box, or let them make their own ( I got cypress mulch, earth, dried leaves as substrate)


Grendel said:
So I guess it will happen sooner or later as long as I support them nutritionally. Do you build a nest box, or let them make their own ( I got cypress mulch, earth, dried leaves as substrate)

i do not use a nest box i use 12inchs to 2feet of substrate i use a 1.1 ratio of manure orcabark and sand if that is how you spell it. i have been using this for years with tegus and monitors they can borrow better i think. almost all my animals are out side in ca. most of my out door enclosures are 8x8x5 with a top that opens in the summer i have a 2x3x2 box with heat that they go in when it is cold.


5 Year Member
Bntegus said:
wil said:
Frank isn't on varanus.nl he is on varanus.net. And he isn't necessarily offensive but more matter of fact.
Blues have not been classified one way or the other. No DNA testing has been done. So I wouldn't be too quick to say that they are just a locale. I would say they are different from regular B&Ws or Chocoans just in the big differences in the hatchlings. They also don't loose the "teardrop" or mark on the tip of their nose as they mature. Is that what your saying yours does?

sorry yes frank is on varanus.net lol. mine all have the same color blue just some have the bigger head and all the hets i have also have the big head. out of all my bw they all have a different nose head not two look a like and so on with reds and blues so do your albinos look like blues im saying nose head and so on mine dont they all smaller all around my male is only 9lbs and 40inchs i dont really get what we are try to figure out here if you dont think the pic i sent isnt a blue thats fine.

Are you saying that that picture is a 100% het albino or a 100% het blue? I am a little confused. Also could you start a thread in the Blue Tegu section with pictures of the blues you are talking about. I would really like to see what you are saying about the big heads. Thanks


wil said:
Bntegus said:
wil said:
Frank isn't on varanus.nl he is on varanus.net. And he isn't necessarily offensive but more matter of fact.
Blues have not been classified one way or the other. No DNA testing has been done. So I wouldn't be too quick to say that they are just a locale. I would say they are different from regular B&Ws or Chocoans just in the big differences in the hatchlings. They also don't loose the "teardrop" or mark on the tip of their nose as they mature. Is that what your saying yours does?

sorry yes frank is on varanus.net lol. mine all have the same color blue just some have the bigger head and all the hets i have also have the big head. out of all my bw they all have a different nose head not two look a like and so on with reds and blues so do your albinos look like blues im saying nose head and so on mine dont they all smaller all around my male is only 9lbs and 40inchs i dont really get what we are try to figure out here if you dont think the pic i sent isnt a blue thats fine.

Are you saying that that picture is a 100% het albino or a 100% het blue? I am a little confused. Also could you start a thread in the Blue Tegu section with pictures of the blues you are talking about. I would really like to see what you are saying about the big heads. Thanks

the pic i posted is what i think het i have not bread him yet so there is no 100% tell he does. i produced him from a albino and a blue but he has not proven anything as i have not had him with another het the only het i have is his sister.


5 Year Member
So are you saying that he might be het for albino or he might be het for blue?

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