TeguKid80 said:These forums are not meant for an immature idiot to complain about breeders which he clearly knows nothing about. Breeders are what keeps the reptile industry alive. That is completely clear. There is no denying it. To say there are to many breeders is simply and purely moronic. Yeah obviously some people like to trade animals, when a BREEDER gets out of a project and into another, they will try to trade their animal for an animal they need for the new project. Likewise, when someone finds out they cannot properly take care of an animal they might want to trade for an animal they can take care of. Granted there are idiots who don't take care of their reptiles, but it's not like all people who breed reptiles sell to idiots only. The whole rant was childish and stupid, end of discussion.
If you really insist on taking this outside of the scope of thread, name calling, and going tit-for-tat, then fine. I suppose that a 15 year old who poses as someone who is 30 with the digits "80" in your nickname has more life experience than the older users on this forum? Funny, everyone has always referred to me as overly mature if anything.
Obviously you have comprehension issues and are unable to read the post for the actual gist of the matter. No one is saying that there aren't breeders out there who are trading animals so as to start new breeding projects. No one is saying that is bad. We are talking about those breeders who have a disregard for the animals that they breed either because they are jaded or for other reasons. No one is denying that breeders who love what they do and genuinely care about the animals are not important to the industry. No one is saying that ALL breeders sell to idiots only. Maybe you should go back and read the post again before you run your mouth or otherwise take some remedial reading comprehension classes.
TeguKid80 said:Oh also, I seriously doubt that you and your fiance spend 5 grand a year on a fairly small number of reptiles. If so, you clearly take your animals to the vet quite frequently.
Oh really? I suppose you've been looking at my checking account? You see, when you are not 15 and you actually have 2 people in the household who have master's degrees and work in relatively high-paying jobs, you can actually afford to drop $5 grand if need be TO PROPERLY care for the reptiles and provide for their needs. I suppose a 15 year old's salary doesn't cut it? And for your information, taking care of 7 reptiles PROPERLY actually costs a lot of money. Yes, one of them had several vet visits due to an issue he was having but I suppose someone like you would rather that I just leave it untreated? ...and those aren't the only animals we have...