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I pulled this directly from his website. I believe this guy knew exactly what he was doing.
Can you get a picture from the same angle? It looks like it could be the same animal. Click on picture to get a better view.


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Korean --- I know him vaguely, he is on my facebook and has a group about the proposed reptile ban... I would definately get a hold of him and ask for your skink back. That is really really shady of him if what you are saying is true.


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if he doesn't rectify the situation, he is really going to hurt his business... how could you pull something that shady to an underage kid let alone ANYONE and present yourself as a leader in the reptile community. Ugh I am so angry with him right now


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nat said:
if he doesn't rectify the situation, he is really going to hurt his business... how could you pull something that shady to an underage kid let alone ANYONE and present yourself as a leader in the reptile community. Ugh I am so angry with him right now

Exactly Nat, thus the reason for the thread on the BOI.


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ha ha I meant more or less that I would personally call him on it the groups I find him most active in if he turns out to have been a scam but yah the boi would work to ha ha


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i just checked out his site and he clearly knows it was a columbian. he even stated that it was one of the most agressive reptiles he owns.
korean: did he state that it was an argentine? and did he tell you it was agressive?


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Hoosier look 5 posts up :p

He doesn't even have an Argentine in his collection according to his website. Just 2 columbians. So how could he have had one for trade??? Bummer Korean....just drive down there and handle business.


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lol i saw it, i just couldnt read it. lol im with you. he ouldnt have had one to sell. i hate people like that :evil:


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Please don't forget everyone,there is another side to the story and make sure you get it before jumping on anyone.

I don't know the guy but I do know there are two sides to a story and it really irks me when people just jump all over someone before they know whats really going on.

I personnally think the deal sucks bigtime but I only know Koreans side of it.



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That's true! Korean, did you save all of your emails with Mike ? Also copy your add from Kijiji I saw that you posted because I know you were really specific in your add about wanting an argentinian


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I have not done anything, I just made an inquiry on the BOI, i wanted to see if others have had problems with him.


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Swtbrat said:
Please don't forget everyone,there is another side to the story and make sure you get it before jumping on anyone.

I don't know the guy but I do know there are two sides to a story and it really irks me when people just jump all over someone before they know whats really going on.

I personnally think the deal sucks bigtime but I only know Koreans side of it.


How could he possibly have a side of the story that makes this better?? he took advantage of a kid and traded a $40 animal for a $300 animal how is that even remotely honest or right??


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Bobby - I could be wrong but I suspect that his business is more on the presentational / educational show side of things rather than dealing in reptiles so there might not be a whole lot of good or bad dealings with him but I think that Korean certainly has enough information to post if he doesn't right what has happened.

I would like to hear his side of things but unless he has some sort of proof that Korean agreed to a Columbian, I am not sure what he could say to make his side seem legit.


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even if he did agree to a colombian the guy is still shady because who trades a kid a lizard worth $40 for a lizard worth $300!!?? He knew what he was doing! He's a fool


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Sorry guys I haven't been online much, but here's my bit.

1. Yes, KDK needed a little more research, a few more questions, and some cojones.

2. A 20$ Columbian for a 400$ MTS is not possible as a mistake, That's impossible, so we can sit here and talk about how we don't know the other side or whatever but that's BS. That is SHADY. Period. That's a Cinny Pied for a Cali-King Snake. Anyone into the reptile world has at least a "common-knowledge" of what their animals are worth.

3. The BOI thread was not invasive, it didn't point any fingers, it's an inquiry, so we can't get all pissy acting like Bobby already loaded the gun.

4. ANYONE who does ANY kind of education (not the douchebags who charge 200$ an hour, but people who are actually trying to educate) assumes the responsibility of a societal view of goodwill, so if in fact this person is an educator and a scammer, then he is lower in my book than the giant Deuce my BP dropped this morning.

5. KDK I have liked you since day one. Always asking questions and always interested in furthering your understanding of our scaly friends. I like you, but we need to see those balls grow to normal size. You need to call "le douchebag" and discuss it, if he has a problem, direct him to fauna's BOI, make sure you let him know, that not properly addressing any negative claims against himself on the biggest and baddest "credit check for herpers" it will simply dessimate his business. It's as simple as that. I look in the BOI read through 30 posts and say, huh, looks like that guys a prick, onto the next. It's a powerful forum and it's not a joke, but you have to take the steps necessary to rectify this.


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COWHER said:
even if he did agree to a colombian the guy is still shady because who trades a kid a lizard worth $40 for a lizard worth $300!!?? He knew what he was doing! He's a fool

I agree, the guy knew what he was doing, I also doubt he has a good excuse.


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all right, here's a email i sent him

Hey, the Tegu that you've sent me is very indeed a columbian gold tegu, which is a wild caught animal, and very unfortuanatly, they are only $100 around here, but $20 around other areas, I hope you are enjoying the monkey tail skink, because I don't plan on getting the skink back, I just would like you to take the columbian back, and find me a real Female Argentine Black and White Tegu tyat is around 2 years old
Sorry I sound like I'm coming at you like this, but everybody that I've talked to does agree that the tegu that you've traded, is a columbian and I should be getting what I asked for, you did not know so much about the history of this animal, but I do feel that it was not right for me to trade my healthy monkey tail skink that is worth $400 for a columbian gold tegu that is worth $100
again, I'm sorry I came at you like this, but please make time to do this for me
thank you

and this is the reply

The tegu i traded you was given to me as an argentine tegu. I also looked on line quickly before i e-mailed you and the site i looked at identified it as an argentine. If you had any doubt as to what it was, you could have backed out of the trade at any time. In my mind, you need to do more research before you further your reptile hobby as your animals are not healthy due to improper care. I highly doubt that you are actually going to take your tegu into a vet but you need to do so and start looking after it properly. The skink should have been in a cage 3 times the size of the one you had it in it also had a small bulge on it's side and when i took it to the vet on saturday i was told it was the beginning of an intestinal tract infection due to it's improper diet which consisted of mainly fruits.(an all fruit diet is too high in sugar and will eventually kill most lizards).
The trade has been done, you told me you saw the picture on my website, you saw it in person and you still accepted it so he is now yours and the trade is done.


he clearly told me that some of his animals are not listed on his site, and what i'll be getting is clearly different from the picture i've seen
Nat, can you please talk to this guy, OMG


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Swtbrat said:
I was raised to never jump to conclusions!
Also I was taught to never play judge and jury unless I have all the facts.I don't have all the facts and so I choose to not assume anything.Thats just my opinion which I am entitled to and I voiced it.
If I knew how to leave the board and not be a member I would cause to be honest with all of you I kind of had it with all the crap.
If you can just kick me off please do Bobby.

LMAO what???? I'm just gonna ignore this because it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Back to helping a fellow TT member out.


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Korean - I am not sure what I can do for you other than repeat what you already told him. What I would reply to him if I were you is to say that

1) He presented himself as a professional and as such you had reason to believe what he was presenting to you was as described.

2) You are a minor, he is an adult, he is taking advantage of a minor and he knows better

3)That there will be a thread on the BOI about this as people need to be warned about his practice

did you save all your emails from him ? you are going to need them to present on the BOI, I would tell him you are going to post your conversations in entireity. If nothing else, this "reptile expert" will be risking his reputation if he presented himself as a knowledgable tegu keeper but can't even tell the difference between a columbian and argentinian

also, i would not have told him to keep the skink, I would have asked that you are put in the same situation he left you in, which is with a skink.

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