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Silly or stupid comments and questions that herpers hear..


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O.k., I know it's not reptile related, but we used to have a pet blonde skunk named Dozer. People would often respond by saying "Oh my god, does it spray you guys?". I would usually respond with "Oh yeah, all the time, you should smell the inside of our house!". Most folks thought I was serious until I broke a grin.


5 Year Member
I can't believe no one mention the classic; "They only grow as big as their enclosure!!!"

I still hear that from people.


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lol, yea i had a friend wanting a red tail boa, i was asking why they wanted a snake that'll be 10 feet long, and she said she'd just keep it in a small tank so it didn't get that big........

needless to say i illuminated her ignorance.


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haha...this thread is too funny!

i take my snakes to the convenience store sometimes...or to the park next to my house...
what i hear is...
" is that snake real/alive?"
or "is it poisonous?"

no, my ball python, or colombian boa is not venomous or dead or fake lol...

then comes all the norm ?
what does it eat, how often...etc...
ppl are funny!


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here's a couple

I usually bring my reptiles around the public on warm days just for my enjoyment and for the reptiles to get some fresh air, i was at school showing off my red tailed boa that i had, and this is what EVERYBODY asks "is the poisonous?" my reply "no, and if a snake was to be poisonous, it would most likely be a venomous, which is far worse than any poison"

i was showing off my tegu in front of my house to some people and kids, and nearly everybody asks "is that a yellow spotted lizard?" my reply "if you are talking about yellow spotted lizards from the movie Holes, no, yellow spotted lizards do not exist and from my understanding, they were bearded dragons, which are very tame and you can get them at any petstore for less than 40 dollars"

i've got tons, but it just drives me insane how stupid and ignorant some people are


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one i heared about a year ago: i bought a snake a few weeks ago wat does it eat roaches and cricets?


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I work at a pet store and I had some college students ask me last week if they could feed a baby corn snake a live adult mouse, and if they could keep the snake in a fish bowl.


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I wanna play the devils advocate and say unless people learn, hear, read, watch discovery or animal planet, research, etc..they just flat out dont know reptiles or whatever it is that theyre talking about..im blessed because i was raised in a family where i always had a reptile or dog and my mom was constantley teaching my brother and i about everything she could. I am such an animal freak!! Ive only lived in cali for 3 years now and i looove my reptiles, i lived in hawaii where we dont have really any reptiles but a couple small lizards so when i moved here, ive been in heaven ever since..But my cousins and a couple adults that have seen the reptiles that ive had asked some of the same questions above and some are just sooo stupid, but some people just flat out dont know because theyre not exposed to it all...I'm lucky i have some knowledge to share with my little cousins. I'm taking them to a reptile expo we have in nor cal and theyre soooo excited!! They love my two tegu's and boa, everytime they come over they hold them and talk to them and are constantly asking my questions..

To end my rambling...for someone to think torts have nipples is really just dumb..lol


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Be it frog, turtle/tortoise, lizard, snake or any other animal they aren't familiar with the first comment, often spoken with the utmost authority, "that thing is poisonous!!"

Also popular with the kids, "where does it poop at?" and "what happens if it bites you?".


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And always after you answer the "have you ever been bitten" question(especially if you're showing a small snake), they want to know "where".. Then they say, "i don't see anything" like they're expecting massive scarring where a 12 inch corn snake bit me a few weeks ago :) .


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Lol, hi britt!

lol, the other night someone asked me to wake up my tegu at midnight, i know they could have no idea what that would mean, but to me it sounds like a very crazy and dangerous thing to do. my girl is dog tame, but if i wake her up she charges me....and is faster than me.

i had to explane to them that to wake her was to dance with the devil.


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Oh man, I had someone a few weeks go tell me that I wasn't allowed to keep poisonous lizards where I lived (as I was walking to the pet store for mice with my tegu on my shoulder) XD


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i get people all the time with our hognose, tell em i have a pygmy rattler and once they are all freaked out about it i bring piggy out bare handed for more entertainment.


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Ah man I can relate to this topic. ALot of people have asked me the most retarded things about reptiles. When we'd take our ball pythons outside and people we're brave enough to come see us they'd ask us if they were poisonous. I'm my head I thought " why yes, they are, yet I'm handeling it with my bear hands..."

Another time was when my boyfriend had a friend over and we were chilling with the snakes and he asked us if they can breath. Then he asked us if they can drink.

One summer we went to a fair and there was a mini reptile expo (Little Ray's Reptiles), so we go over and marvel at what they had brought. There was two gorgeous burmese pythons and they hade one out in the parking lot so people can pet it. There was this one guy who walks up to the keeper, looking as if he had something intellegent to say...... He asked if the snake had teeth..... and asked if it ate meat.

I find it pathetic really. It's like reptiles are totaly alienated in the public eye.


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Schnab said:
Ah man I can relate to this topic. ALot of people have asked me the most retarded things about reptiles. When we'd take our ball pythons outside and people we're brave enough to come see us they'd ask us if they were poisonous. I'm my head I thought " why yes, they are, yet I'm handeling it with my bear hands..."

Another time was when my boyfriend had a friend over and we were chilling with the snakes and he asked us if they can breath. Then he asked us if they can drink.

One summer we went to a fair and there was a mini reptile expo (Little Ray's Reptiles), so we go over and marvel at what they had brought. There was two gorgeous burmese pythons and they hade one out in the parking lot so people can pet it. There was this one guy who walks up to the keeper, looking as if he had something intellegent to say...... He asked if the snake had teeth..... and asked if it ate meat.

I find it pathetic really. It's like reptiles are totaly alienated in the public eye.

good stories!

ok i can't resist, do you find "bear" hands to be a burden? :mrgreen:


5 Year Member
I once had a crazy redneck neighbor when I lived in this trailer park in Alabama. (Hey, I saved $2500+ in a year AND profit off the sale so..) Anyway, he would frequently ask me when letting my tame 5 foot+ iguana bask in the natural sunlight, "Ye sunnin' yer crocodile?".
Me> "Yes, fool. Go have another beer."

Funny incident while doing same basking activity~
This same guy had the loudest yapping little dog ever, that would go out to do it's business EVERY morning at 4AM!! Needless to say, I heard this incessant barking every day through the paper thin walls. Well, one day while out basking same said 5'+ iguana, the little dog was out and came over to investigate. I tried to shoo him off without spooking my lizard but he wouldn't be deterred. He stepped a little too close and SWAT! got it's nose split by the iguana's tail. Oh well, I tried. Oddly enough it seems the barking was less frequent after that. ;)


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GooD! Little yappy dogs are soo annoying... Some lady from across my house has one of those, she pretty much lets him out to bark at whatever moves. If it wasen't for the fence, I'de whip the dog my self.


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It strikes me as funny how most people actually think all reptiles are poisonous. I took my baby Argentine B&W ( cholo ) to my sons class to show the kids and parents. Well as soon as i pulled him out all the parents grabbed there children and held them tight. I tried to reassure them that hes fine, but they were adamant that he would bite their child and they would die.
It wasn't until my son was letting cholo ( my tegu ) crawl up and down his arm and shoulder that they allowed their children to get with in 10 ft of him.
It strikes me that so many people still think this way. Sad really. Well education is the best way to fight ignorance :grno


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i have a little friend who has the wildest imagination possible. you can let him go on and on about how he knew a snake that had its eye clawed out and regrew it, etc etc

i've been asked if lizard arms grow back (i blame the spiderman comics for that one)

my young cousins i'll go easy on. they at least ask questions rather than tell me what they "know"

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