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This is so horrible--made me really angry


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repcoop18 said:
yeah im pretty sure i have correct uvb it is a 160 watt zoo med power sun mercury vapor bulb and i also have a 150 watt basking spot bulb that makes a basking spot of about 115 degrees. also i just made some scrambled eggs with some chickenand calcium. and she is also getting bath
Well obviously you really dont care what we are saying so whats the point. YOU CANNOT JUST HAVE ONE UVB


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5 Year Member
well with the reserch that i have been doing that is what is says
all the site just say that you need to provide them with uvb light and i have a uvb light for her and a basking lamp


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5 Year Member
repcoop18 said:
so why dont you tell me again because i dont understand why you need more than one uvb bulb
I did not forget. Its a few pages back. You need uc's running the length of her cage.One power sun is on one spot.


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5 Year Member
yeah i know but she basks under it and in the summer i give her plenty of natural light by letting her explore outside for a few hours a week. also what are uc's,it that tube lighting


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5 Year Member
Ok. WOW. I leave last night at 4 pages, come back to nine.

Reading through them all was a treat, but anyways.

All I have to say is that you need more light because that room is dark. How does she know its day time? For her, there is just a shaft of light coming into a dark little cave. And tegus dont live in caves. They live in Argentina, and it is very sunny and bright there.

That is why she needs more light.

Also, building her a shed is going to be incredibly expensive. She will need the place all lit up to stay healthy and active and not try to brumate. That, plus basking lights, plus a stationary heater plus all the insulation is going to be crazy expensive. Its cruel to put her out in a shed away from people in the dead of winter.

She should be interacted with daily. Adult tegus are KNOWN to seek affection from their keepers, and are intelligent and need stimulation.

I don't understand the point of having her at all, if you can't have her "in the house"---Your sullys are going to get huge within the next year or so, and she's obviously not getting any smaller.

If your parents have a problem with it, and you don't have room for a 6ftx3ftx3ft cage, then why not just rehome her?

There are tons of people here looking for an adult tegu. She seems sweet.

I interact with Cleo several hours a day. And its only such a short time, because I work, and have school. Your tegu should be stimulated with interaction, toys, plants, rocks, wood to climb on, substrate to dig into....

The life she is living now is sad.

But you seem not to think so? THAT is what I don't understand.

If you thought living in the bathroom was good enough for 5 months---did you really care about the animal at all? It was a bad decision to put her there in the first place. And it was a worse decision to keep her in there.


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5 Year Member
Uv's are ultra violets. Rays of light almost every body needs to create essential vitamins. Also you have to understand if a tegu is in the wild there is always sun on them unless they are burrowed or under something. Thats why its so important to have uv lighting (yes the tube lights, only sold at reptile stores or pet stores) and substrate so they can sleep, feel secure, and regulate the ammount of uv they get.


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5 Year Member
Yeah it is acually verry bright in the bathroom with four lightsplus her basking and uvb lighting and i just live with my mom she loves my lizard and is will to do what ever is right but also i think if i did build a cage instead it would have to be at least a foot wider. another thing is that i give my tegu alot of attention and i dont get why you said before that walking in there was stressful for her.Also if the room is bright do you slill think i have to buy another uvb light. and also i wanted to straighten out something about the temp. on the cool side of the room there it is 85 degrees and basking spot is 105+


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5 Year Member
yeah for right now i use a towel as temperary substrat she loves it and she sleeps under it also in the wild they would spend most of there time in their borrow and even when they are out they would not be always exposed to uv because of the trees would creat a lot of shade


New Member
5 Year Member
repcoop18 said:
yeah for right now i use a towel as temperary substrat she loves it and she sleeps under it also in the wild they would spend most of there time in their borrow and even when they are out they would not be always exposed to uv because of the trees would creat a lot of shade
I give up. :doh

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