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This is so horrible--made me really angry


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5 Year Member
I just think you need to get her out of the bathroom. You cannot properly control her environment in a such a large space like that.

People who set up whole room enclosures, usually have a seperate heating element for that room, and run a humidifier (not the ones you can buy for 39$-the big ones) for humidity. There is also several inches of substrate in those rooms, with specially sealed flooring so that the wood and foundation does not warp. Also, with a room sized enclosure, there would be a large container of water so that it recreates the natural environment.

I'm telling you now, its not the right environment for her. And to make it the right environment, you'd have to spend thousands of dollars.

6ft by 3ft is adequate. If you are taking her out daily and interacting with her, she will have no problem spending the majority of the day in there. Since its usually just spent basking, and sleeping anyways. That's 18 sq ft of space. And if you have a basking platform, that adds another dimension.

Look for threads about peoples enclosures. I believe someone just posted one that they newly fininshed for an adult male tegu. Look at what the dimensions of that are.

Keep in mind that while the tegu was free, a cage will cost between 250-700$ to make, depending on quality of materials, aesthetics etc. If you are not up to it, there is no shame in finding her a new home. You saved her life, finding her in the woods. But if you don't think you can give her what she will need to live hapily for the next ten years, its not a bad idea to rehome her.

Especially since most colleges won't allow pets on campus. Its why I pay through the nose for an apt and live a couple blocks away from school. But I do pay for it....

But she needs out of the bathroom, asap


5 Year Member
repcoop18 said:
yeah for right now i use a towel as temperary substrat she loves it and she sleeps under it also in the wild they would spend most of there time in their borrow and even when they are out they would not be always exposed to uv because of the trees would creat a lot of shade

She uses the towel because that is the only thing she has. She doesnt love it.. it's her only option. Then when she is under it, you come over and pull it of her. there is no place in there for her to feel secure. But, hey what do i know. You seem like an 8 year old that knows best.

Im wondering if she was even found in the woods. It would be easy to say i found it in the woods to let the mom have him keep it. I would think the tegu would have taken off if seeing you in the woods


New Member
5 Year Member
haha very funny ass hole and im pretty sure my tegu feels sucure and why would i lie about finding it my mom knew about it in the woods the same time i did and see feels just secure if someone were to take the hide off a tegu in a cage


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5 Year Member
repcoop18 said:
haha very funny Donkey hole and im pretty sure my tegu feels sucure and why would i lie about finding it my mom knew about it in the woods the same time i did and see feels just secure if someone were to take the hide off a tegu in a cage
That's why you DON'T take the hide off.

I don't know how you even use a microwave without blowing your house up


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5 Year Member
If you are not going to listen to our very valid advice, then why the hell do you bother asking for it rep coop? You are obviously an incompetent keeper or you would not have a tegu in a 70 degree bathroom and would not be arguing with people who have actual experience. :bahi :dead


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5 Year Member
"Donkey hole"? Common' kid what are you, like 4? Grow up, grow a pair, and take some responsibility. Arguing with everyone on the forum isn't gong to get you anywhere. You are literally running yourself around in circles here. This is a living creature we're talking about. And you've admitted that you love your animals, that we can agree on, right? So, do the right thing - even if it hurts. Only you and your tegu really know what is going on here. And you need to think long and hard about the situation you are in, and do what is best for the tegu. And that might mean giving her up, and that could also mean building her a proper enclosure VERY shortly. What ever you decide, I hope you do it soon. I know I certainly would not like to be living on some kid's bathroom floor. Don't get all defensive either, just my two cents.


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5 Year Member
yeah acually the temperature is like 85 degrees on the cool side and 105+ degrees on the basking spot so the temperature is right so all that is wronge is the fact that she is living in the bathroom.


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5 Year Member
Yeah, I think now would be the time to stop being defensive rep coop, it is 100% obvious you are mistreating the tegu. And your story about the towel being proper substrate is what we call :bs . You should really just admit your mistake and consider what you want to do about it. :rant


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5 Year Member
No, that is not possible that one small heat bulb is providing enough heat to make an entire bathroom 85-105 degrees. Sorry but you need to change the situation.


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5 Year Member
i didnt say it is proper i said it is what i use because there is nothing else. and it is wierd how it says that i said donkey hole because i didnt i think the site like changed it or something.


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5 Year Member
I think that you should just go buy some dirt and fill the bathtub with it for substrate if you want it to live in the bathroom. It is a much better substrate and one that the tegu could actually burrow into.


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5 Year Member
I think, you should just sell her and buy some more leopard geckos. You obviously love that species--you have several already. With the money that you'd make from her sale, you could probably buy one-three nice leo morphs.

And then you can skip the hassle, maybe breed some nice looking geckos, and have done an awesome good deed for that tegu: saving her from the Virginia cold, and finding her an awesome home.

I think she would go in a second. I would love to have her.


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5 Year Member
well it is cold outside but not in the bathroom the basking spot can get as hot as 115 and i would fill the bath tub will substrate but i use that bathroom to take showers but nothing else and it is good because when i take a shower in there it creats a lot of humidity.


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5 Year Member
BUT THAT HUMIDITY WON'T HOLD. Come on kid, just listen to reason here. A. You will probably get salmonella. B. You really need to help the tegu by improving it's care. C. You should tell the truth about your tegu's care, there is no way that is all 85-110 degrees!


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5 Year Member

If you are not going to help her, and allow her to live the way she should, then please, just stop posting.

You keep ASKING for help, and when people OFFER YOU ADVICE

You say Nooooooo its FINE. I'm not doing ANYTHING WRONG.

We all know you are. And you know it too. Enough is enough already.


New Member
5 Year Member
Yes true there is no way. I live in northern california and its hot here. My bathroom stays at 85 when its a 110 outside. If i stuck a heat lamp in there in the winter it wouldnt get above 70. Bathrooms ceilings are too high you have tile and its not gonna get to 110 with one heat light especially since you say its a power sun. I use a 50watt and a seperate 100watt about a foot above and thats what it takes to get my cage to the correct temperature. I spray EVERY day just to keep the humidity up.

You think you know everything when you dont. You wont admit your wrong because your insecure about what people will think. Trust me none of can think any worse of you if we tried. Now provide the correct setup or sell her. Your being unfair to her and killing her. There is no tile in the wild. Theres dirt. Theres not bacteria from humans but there is in your bathroom no matter how much you clean it. They use earth as substrate not towels. What we should do is report you for the inhumaine treatment of that tegu.

Dont even think about posting excuses about what I have said because its true.


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5 Year Member
Thank you TanMan57, even with a ton of wooden cages producing heat all around my room in Northern California, I still rarely hit above 90 degrees in the summer when it is over 100 degrees outside.


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5 Year Member
It just occured to me... If you found this tegu like you say you did, then doesn't that mean that someone is mssing theirs? Maybe you shoud try posting flyers and start looking around for her original owner, instead if being counterproductive...

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