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This is so horrible--made me really angry


New Member
5 Year Member
Its been 10 months he said he found it in december. So therefor its been in his bathroom for close to a year. He said it in a video and keeps lying about how long its been.

Tegu is basically stolen, dont theifs sell their stolen items?


New Member
5 Year Member
I still can't believe this. I do agree with what everyone is saying. He has asked a lot of really good questions, but won't take any advice when it's given to him. In all honesty it is really confusing. I guess that is just immaturity. Hopefully he grows out of it.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
i dont think he understand or care how to properly care for,a tegu it seems like he is looking for someone to validate his husbandry or to argue that he is right and everyone else is wrong. dude you need to find her a new home because your ignorance is killing her slowly there is absolutly nothing you can say to justify your care for this animal you need to grow up and take responsibility i see people like you evey day in my neighbor hood with pitbulls they only have them because every one thinks there cool when the animal suffers and then the ones working in these petshops giving out false information if your mother truly loves yor tegu let her read a few care sheets and then see if she still would allow you to keep her people like you make me sick i understand that your still young but you need to face reality and be more respnsible


New Member
5 Year Member
11PAGES!! JESUS FN CHRIST!! HELP HIM, IF NOT LET HIM GO. AND (KID) as everyone is calling you, listen to these people,go to the care sheets, do what i consider your HOMEWORK!! but WTF!!!


New Member
5 Year Member
Well, I think this thread should be put as a sticky thread as to what is a waste of time. This fellow will obviously not listen to reason and we are currently playing his game and :blblbl :dead


New Member
5 Year Member
Oh yeah. There is an excuse and a snotty little "so I'm right then" on every post.

He doesn't want to learn, he doesn't want to improve her care.

He wants to STICK it to us, just like every other ignorant a-hole that gets their hand on a reptile.

The "she's FINE, she doesn't look THAT bad" makes me sick.

How is she supposed to emote her unhappiness? She's already hiding all day, and burrowing under dirty, wet towels to get away from him. But even that isn't a hint.


He obviously only came here to make sure we all knew he wasn't going to change anything. Its sad, and pathetic, and I feel terrible for that tegu.

But he won't sell her, and he obviously doesn't care about her enough to build her a cage in less time than "a few months"

FINE is how she will live out the rest of her sad life.

She will never be given GREAT care, or allowed to be a healthy, happy animal.

But she will be "fine".

Makes me sick.


New Member
5 Year Member
I believe I'm one of the few people on this forum without a tegu, who posts regularly...I have the time and necessities to care for one...I have the proper means to house a 'gu...I can afford to keep one PROPERLY fed...I'm pretty much an ideal candidate to own/adopt a tegu...

I didn't come here to bash someone on their husbandry...*sigh*...or to get into the middle of a good old fashioned passionate horse beat-down. I came in here because I watched that video and saw the bigger picture behind just a tegu living in a bathroom...And everyone else has also. I saw a potentially great animal that honestly needs everything it deserves. I also saw a very nervous "unplanned parent" who in light of the situation, seems to be struggling to provide the latter - No offense...

Now I didn't wander in here to try and make anyone out to be the "bag-guy", have someone's animal taken away, or to take it away for myself, or anything of the nature. I came to tell a story that may or may not be a flashlight for you in the dark.

When I was around 8 years old, I wanted a turtle so bad it was ridiculous. We had a decent-sized fish tank left over, so my folks gave in and we drove to Aquaria Unlimited to see about picking one out. Not knowing much about turtles, we got, (are you ready for this?) a red-eared slider. Got him home, got his enclosure all set up, and all that fun stuff. Well, we had him for a few months until one night my mom went to carry his tank outside, had a little accident, and dropped the tank...

The turtle was just fine, but the tank broke all to pieces. We no-longer had a place for poor Bud to stay, and my folks agreed it would be best for Bud to go elsewhere. I, being a kid, was pretty much crushed... Well we decided amongst the 3 of us that the best place for him would be at my grandparents' private pond. Even though I did not want to say goodbye, he'd have everything he could possibly need - Far better than what we could give him.

So with a teary eye and a heavy heart, I gave him to what would be a better place. This may sound ultra-cliche`, but until this very day, you can still see him basking on the bank of my grandparents' pond - No lie. Now if I were to keep him, would he still be alive? If so - Would he be as happy in less-than-ideal conditions?

I am not trying to deny you of having a wonderful creature, I am merely making you a generous offer to give her the captive care she ultimately needs. I'll give you $150 cash - Plus pay shipping. I can even provide you with a proper means to comfortably ship her. And if that does not work for you, I would be more than happy to take a road trip. Please give this some serious thought.


New Member
5 Year Member
yeah it doesnt stay hot in the bathroom because of the heat lamp it is because fo the heater you guy dont listen to a word i say and just add crapp to make me seem like im a crapy owner and it is rediculous.


New Member
5 Year Member
Well because your a crappy stuck up owner, Every time we make a suggestion you say "oh I dont need that" or "oh I already have that" which you dont. So just stop posting on here unless your going to sell her. No one wants to see that you've posted.


New Member
5 Year Member
yeah but a lot of you want to talk rap about her and i have not lied about any thing so stop trying to make up crap that isnt true


New Member
5 Year Member
You have lied about everything you stupid little jerk, you actually have the audacity to say that you are properly taking care of this poor animal?!?!?!?!? You have been nothing but rude and are an absolute little @$$! You think that keeping a 3 foot long lizard in a bathroom on cold tile through a cold winter is proper care?!? Do you also sleep with an elephant in your room? You have no idea of proper husbandry and you are so lucky you haven't been banned yet.


New Member
5 Year Member
Its pathetic. As I said, she will live out the rest of her days in misery for the sake of stroking this idiot child's ego.

This is how animal cruelty works.

They don't care, they have all the excuses and the animals will suffer silently til the day they finally die.


New Member
5 Year Member
OMG i now have to retype everything lol. ok so i have been reading this topic from day 1 i just didnt want to get involved. But to cut my first long story that somehow wasnt submitted i found out through a proccess of youtube and looking on my space :) i explained some of what i did to Tanman his name is Cooper Baker so someone close by please call Animal Control.

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