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When was you first bite? What was it?


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When we got our Red he chased our 10 lb dog & 10 year old son across the room. He's kinda mean looking but he's turning out to be a big baby. My wife brought him to a couple of our son's baseball games and he laid in the sun with the dog next to him. It's amazing how some people were very interested in him and some were terrified!!!


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i wish i could get a leash on my girl but its to difficult and i i let her go outside she freaks so i let her sunbath in the windows


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She's still young. She'll calm down. Our 7 month old B&W has calmed down quite a bit. But we still can't trust him to run around the house.

All of our adults have been on a leash from the first day we got them (as adults). The Red and female Blue are allowed to wander outside (well supervised). The new male Blue has had a leash on but its too cold to take him outside.


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I guess that's the advantage of buying adult Tegu's. They're already calmed down but not necessarily tame.

We bought a baby in May. I never imagined 5 months later we'd have 3 adults also and considering breeding!!


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Mine really sucked it was by a big gray quarter horse gelding when I was 5 years old. Walked up to him started petting him and wam he grabbed my hand. First herp bite was just a leo.


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my first bite was a lacerta bilineata herp wise but the acktual first bite was from a human :D


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I was about 4 years old,my brother bit my arm. :lol:

I got bite by my Tegu Rascal when I tried to put a harness on him to go for a walk.
It drew blood and hurt for over a week.


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the first animal bite I ever remeber is from a swan of all things when I was about 4. I still hate birds. ha ha

The first reptile bite I recieved when I was about 18 and it was from my male rainbow boa. The only other reptile bites I can think of that I have ever experienced was once by my tegu when it was still relatively small, and once by my sulcata mona, who thought my ear looked kinda worth tasting (this is also my most painful bite).


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nat said:
the first animal bite I ever remeber is from a swan of all things when I was about 4. I still hate birds. ha ha

Haha. I still dislike geese. I was bitten by a freak goose when I was 9. I was feeding the ducks, and there's this one loner goose standing there. So, I throw him some food, and the friggin' thing attacked me. What a psycho. :lol: :)


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yup that's pretty much what happened to me. any birds with long necks tend to be jerks. At the wildlife center I used to volunteer at, you had to wear googles around the blue herons cause they go for the eyes... and as further evidence of my long neck jerk theory... I could pry open the beak of a great horned owl with my fingers without too much concern but I had a spotter with me to go and change the swans water cause the moment you bent over they would getcha


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I was 6, it was the first grade and her name was Evonne. She was a dreamy blond with green eyes and toothless smile. I walked up to her at lunch, nerves a shatter, I leaned in and told her she looked like a vampire with her two front teeth missing. She sunk her teeth into my shoulder, and it was love at first bite.

I saw her 11 years later in High School, not so dreamy, I told her the story and asked about her weight. The rabies shots were not as bad as the bite she gave me....


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i cant remember my first bite from the time i could walk, i attempted to catch anything that moved, and i cant tell you how many times i have been bitten. my mom used to drag me out of this creek by my house, because i was filling my kiddy pool with every crawdad i could catch. i imagine my first herp bite was from an alligator lizard though. i have never really been afraid of herps, which is why i almost got myself admitted to the hospital when i was holding a baby pacific rattler, and it turned its head around enough to graze my finger with its fangs. luckily it didnt break the skin, and i immediately dropped it after learning my lesson.


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When I first got my current tegu I was holding her and I was screaming at somebody else. I think she got nervous and bit me on my face.


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Back when i was ten i was bitten wile swimming by a cotton mouth it was right in the back of my neck and i freaked out my mom called 911 but it turned out that it was a dry bite thank god


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COWHER said:
Back when i was ten i was bitten wile swimming by a cotton mouth it was right in the back of my neck and i freaked out my mom called 911 but it turned out that it was a dry bite thank god

WOW that is really lucky i had a close call this pass summer look down and i saw a cotton mouth that i nearly steped on but thank god it decided to run not bite


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My two most memorable bites were when I was a kid, first was a horse decided to eat my fingers instead of the carrot, then when I was about 8yrs of age, my best friends dog at the time went and bit me in the face and almost took my eye out, those are the ones the stick in my head,

Now reptile related, I can say just a month or so ago, my 9ft BCI decided she did not like me moving her around and tried to bite me and she cought my thumb and left a tooth embeded in the middle of my thumb nail! yes, it hurt too. :lol:

But it has not stopped me from handling her yet, Dogs are worse in my mind.


MMRR - jif

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I can't remember what the first bite ever was but most likely it was a rodent because I kept gerbils and mice as a kid. I've had several reptile bites. Two different iguana bites sent me in for stitches. I've had one tegu bite from a 3.5 foot argentine that shook his mouse out of his mouth and then went for the nearest thing that looked like food, which was my foot. A tooth must have come close to a nerve because my big toe was numb for several months after the bite. The actual bite didn't hurt too bad. The most painful bite that I can remember was from a Prehensile tailed skink which bit right thru the nail on my ring finger. Another bad one I got from a young peachthroat monitor that probably should have been stitched but I treated it myself. That lizard raked 3 teeth across the top of my index finger between 2 knuckles and the gashes were DEEP!

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