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How long to wait after feeding large or xl rat last


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Organ meat, also well dusted with calcium is a good addition to the diet. Most tegus will enjoy it-liver, hearts, gizzards. Occassional high quality wet dog food, too.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
So stitches has been eating as many crickets as you can give him but won’t try anything else...won’t touch super worms, veggies, berries, or ground turkey.i got frustrated and rubbed the turkey around his nose and mouth hoping it would get him interested but he just licked his lips 978 times and went back to checking the dark end for crickets again.do I just feed him as much as he wants to eat? I understand they are fast growers but he’s eating around 30+ large crickets a day.

Try Fish and bloody Organ meats....:D

Salmon'll drive him nuts.

Alpha loves Salmon and its probs his fave


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
Prescott, AZ
Yes I do have more than enough supply of calcium although I was forgetting to dust them now and then so now I just put a few punches in the bags of crickets and let them chill with it I figure it can’t hurt anything.stitches is doing great though.he likes to dig but seems like he’s just exploring he loves to just eat and sleep.
Also I’ve started a mouse farm with 2 females and a male to keep a steady flow of small mice to feed him half the time

Sounds good! The only thing I'd mention about the mice, is that it's a somewhat common belief here amongst most...that the mice should be frozen/thawed so as not to encourage the frenzy of the hunt, and thus, curbing the instincts of the animal's wild side. (especially those of us with children?) There are some that disagree...

You're doing a good job Chris - members here in this forum garner a lot of respect for admitting what they don't know :rolleyes:;)

Chris & Stitches

Active Member
Sounds good! The only thing I'd mention about the mice, is that it's a somewhat common belief here amongst most...that the mice should be frozen/thawed so as not to encourage the frenzy of the hunt, and thus, curbing the instincts of the animal's wild side. (especially those of us with children?) There are some that disagree...

You're doing a good job Chris - members here in this forum garner a lot of respect for admitting what they don't know :rolleyes:;)

the only thing stitches will eat is live insects.he will not eat anything dead but will not bite me either.i have reached to see what he will do while he’s smaller but he has grown almost two inches in three weeks.he was lazy at first but now eats around 40 crickets every day (large) big poops every day and he comes out multiple times a day and seeks person to hide with.i just moved in my house I was talking about buying and my new neighbor is a retired biologist.he spent some time with stitches today and said in his 60 years of experience stitches very well could be a worthwhile “specimen” I couldn’t be more happy with the temperament and personality he has

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