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It kinda does, hmm--- I just love her expression though! I don't even own a microwave, because of the radiation. When I was about 12, my mom unplugged ours, and I haven't had one since. Didn't even buy one for me and the bf when we got our appt.
Thank you so much! You are now my new bestfriend. Sprinkles had fun destroying my housemates flowers haha. I guess she really wants a new girlfriend to pall around with.
Your welcome . :lol: you crack me up lol.Thank you for the kind words.Did your house mate saw the torn up plants yet :lol: ? hope you winn this contast so you can have a friend for Sprinkles .It's OK if I don't win.I'm already blessed with a All American hybrid Tegu.I still wanted to post some pics.I'm going to get another one from Bobby soon anyway.
haha Yeah he was there 'tegu spotting'. I had to make sure she didnt hurt herself or runaway. I was scared taking her outside for the first time, but i wanted natural sunlight. I hope i win too! I don't have the cash to buy one at full price...