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This years varnyard stock.


San Luis Obispo, CA
yes, my apologies for the derailment! I've been following this thread and forgot what category it was in lol. and unfortunately for bobby, i bet even in the off season he gets a lot of calls about people's tegus and whatnot, but i guess it comes with being one of the few CB tegu sellers. :p


New Member
Bobby told me its first come first serve and some people have a deposit since last year. I made a deposit 3 weeks ago. As far as everything goes right with bobby I'll still get my black an white around July or so maybe just a couple weeks later than the people in front of me? Like there isn't a chance they'll all sell out and I'd have to wait a year is there?


New Member
Jessiem said:
Bobby told me its first come first serve and some people have a deposit since last year. I made a deposit 3 weeks ago. As far as everything goes right with bobby I'll still get my black an white around July or so maybe just a couple weeks later than the people in front of me? Like there isn't a chance they'll all sell out and I'd have to wait a year is there?

O.O OH CRAP! I'd be extremely upset if that happened. I put down a deposit about 4-ish months ago on one...does this mean I might not get him?!!


New Member
this thread really needs to end in my opinion (i know I have been a part of it) i just feel it is creating a sense of discomfort for ppl getting varnyard tegus when they should not be worrying. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE:D

you will get your tegu if you put a deposit down. You secure your tegu with that deposit. The only way that I do not see ppl getting one that did put a deposit down is if something terribly went wrong with all of the eggs which is highly unlikely.


New Member
alright, yea i agree this thread is making me worry lol. although it's also making me feel better being reassured everything will go well.

on another note, i was told they would be ready around june/july when they are about 3 weeks old as other people have stated. i'm not sure if there were other eggs laid since i dont know how many he usually produces so i might be wrong, but if the eggs were just laid very recently, then i'm assuming they might be ready more towards the end of august its looking like. isn't the incubation period around 40-60 days, plus the 3 weeks of them growing up a little before being sent out.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
<Moderator hat on> I disagree about ending the thread. This is what happens on Internet forums...people chat about things. If someone talked to Bobby and felt comfortable enough to put down a deposit, that's fine. If someone didn't talk to Bobby (or any other seller/buyer, person), then any information obtained is third-party information. But in the long run, we are all responsible for our emotions and reactions to whatever situation arises. As long as the thread isn't flaming, trolling, etc, then it's OK.

<Moderator hat off> Personally, I would keep my communication limited to myself and my seller in order to minimize some of that worry. I'm prone to obsess and mull over things, so I try to watch myself and not feed into my own mental drama. :) If a thread on a board or FB bothers me, then I have to just not read it anymore. OK, soapbox aside. :) We all know that Bobby had issues last year, whatever they were. If someone put down a deposit, they must have spoken to Bobby. Just be patient and wait and see what happens. There's nothing you can do at this point anyway.

And this thread wasn't directed at anyone and it wasn't personal. I hope everything I'm saying is coming across as neutral.

The incubation period is about 60-72 days. I think Bobby shipped mine out at 2 weeks. I got it very early Sept since it was a late Aug clutch.


New Member
I was not requesting to end it, I just was tired of seeing members that were starting to worry, no need for moderation. I think we feel the same. I was not bothered what so ever.

LizardzRock said:
I was not requesting to end it, I just was tired of seeing members that were starting to worry, no need for moderation. I think we feel the same. I was not bothered what so ever.

I just put myself out there....jeez... this is me taking my foot out my mouth.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
Again....And this "post" wasn't directed at anyone and it wasn't personal. I hope everything I'm saying is coming across as neutral.

LizardzRock, you had noticed that the thread was getting an emotional feel to it. I noticed the same. What I was hoping to accomplish was to prevent an "ending vs not ending the thread" conversation from starting up so that the conversation would stay on topic about this year's Varnyard stock. That's all. :) I certainly do not want to squash anyone's conversation...quite the opposite. People DO need to discuss things, but just not get all worked up about it. It really wasn't directed toward you, even though I was afraid it would sound that way. I posted two separate ways because I wanted to be 100% objective on one hand, and I also wanted to put myself out there as a forum member and fellow hobbyist on the other.


San Luis Obispo, CA
i am an incredible worry-wort myself, one time i saw my dragons foot twitch and doubled her calcium for a week lol. but i agree that stressing over something we have no real say over is just extra pressure on us. the way i see it, I'm just excited to get an amazing animal! :)


New Member
^Id like to add i too love my animals and have owned a few Tegus, but have never really reserved a baby from a breeder far off such as bobby i myself also very skeptical on this but i too cant wait to see him follow through with a new friend of his famous Extreme Tegu babys to my door i just pray and hope all goes well with him and delivering the clutches to us. All we can do now is wait :/


New Member
Jessiem said:
Bobby told me its first come first serve and some people have a deposit since last year. I made a deposit 3 weeks ago. As far as everything goes right with bobby I'll still get my black an white around July or so maybe just a couple weeks later than the people in front of me? Like there isn't a chance they'll all sell out and I'd have to wait a year is there?

Ok I am wondering Jessie did bobby tell you that he was going to fill orders that people have had deposits from last years tragedy because that wasn't what I was told. Maybe I am misreading what you are trying to say?


Former Admin
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
This is going to be my one and only post on this, I will not, nor do I have time to feed the trolls. I refunded over 14,000.00 last season on deposits, some chose to roll the deposits over to this season. There was not one person that was ripped off by me, or Varnyard Herps Inc. I do go by my Terms of Service that is on and always was on my website. There are some that did not want a tegu, changed their mind, I will not change my terms because someone changes their mind.

This forum has become a place for trolls to feed. One of your moderators got mad at me because I refused to sell to him after it was brought to my attention what was being posted by him here. I sold him a All American last season, and now he wanted a red, I will not sell to back biters.

If you have a deposit with me, you will get your tegu this season, I have bred extra females and I have incubators full of eggs right now. The only tegus yet to lay are some of my reds and they are on nests and due to lay any day now.

So please don’t think everything you read here is true and good, there are some that just have a need to start trouble, and have never tried to grow up.

If someone has any questions about any of this, feel free to contact me, and do not go by what someone else said or rumors. Varnyard Herps Inc. is not going anywhere!!


Does anyone on here sale blue tegus or know a good breeder that does

And thanks bobby. Can't wait to get my black and white from you. But remember its always gonna be haters when your at the top, just keep doing you.


New Member
Ok I am going to ask that this thread be closed since I am the one that started it. I was just asking a general question and I in no way shape, form or fashion intended for it to get this out of control. I understand that Bobby is extremely busy and my original question has been answered so if a moderator reads this please close this thread so no one else gets the wrong idea or says anything that is in anyway inappropriate towards Varnyard Herps. Thanks and to Bobby Hill you have me deepest spologies for this getting as out of hand as it has.


5 Year Member
Holy cow! What in the world has happened in the past few years of my absence! I've known Bobby for 8 years now, and I will can say he will come through. Patience guys, patience.

Miles Dad

New Member
mattlagrone19 said:
Does anyone on here sale blue tegus or know a good breeder that does

And thanks bobby. Can't wait to get my black and white from you. But remember its always gonna be haters when your at the top, just keep doing you.

Ryan at Underground Reptiles may have some Blues this year.

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