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Occupation thread??


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5 Year Member
My job title changes monthly. Unix sysadmin, systems engineer, network architect. Basically I pop bubble-wrap all day and eat chocolate all night, but I carry a pager, which means I can get paged in the middle of the night and have to pop bubble-wrap.


5 Year Member
Hmm, thought I posted on this one already, guess not.

I work for a digital imaging company as my full time job.
I help out at a reptile wholesalers on the weekend as well as breed a few things.
Currently I am working on starting a website so I can offer more reptiles for sale :lol:


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5 Year Member
I thought I posted here, but I guess not.

I'm a criminal defense lawyer; I work for the Alternate Public Defender. Yes, this means I represent people charged with crimes ranging from minor drug possession to capital murder


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I'm still a high school student, i have 2 years left, i volunteered a couple times, but still no job
i make money by fixing stuff around the house (usually electronics), and selling stuff, in the Korean culture, you have to bow down to your elders during the new years, then the elders encourage you to do what you want and be best at that, then they give you like $200, I've just made $400


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I just help my parents with whatever they need, and going to college, but i dont know what im gonna major in yet. Right now were remodeling my parents house, all day today i have been putting down hardwood flooring. :(


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The day job is a software engineer; the fun job is IRCF! :) Also working on my photography when I can get that in.


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ColdThirst said:
The IRCF would be a cool job, but would probably just make me hurt people and get in alot of touble

It's my non-paying job [hence, need the day job] but certainly worth every non-penny in the experiences and contributions! I was in Guatemala last month where IRCF, Zoo Atlanta and Zootropic secured habitat for the H. h. charlesbogerti and Ctenosaura palearis. We did a short hike into the habitat, and also got to hold a wild-caught juvenile palearis which was set to be released. Touched a captive charlesbogerti - truly an awesome experience!

It's going to be a toss-up for me on fav projects between the field and facility work I did for the Cyclura lewisi and now this! Love them both!


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I just graduated from college with a business degree however I refuse to get a real job so soon.

Thus i am a bum.

However, fortunately i do not live in a cardboard box.


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I am a full time welder building Case New Holland 4wd tractors and a going to college part time should graduate in May (finally).


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COWHER said:
I'm an electrician thats trying to get into sales cuz its a LOT more money and less hard work

WHOOT WHOOT!!!! I'm finally out of electrical and I am now a Sales Executive at Mac Directory Magazine!!! The best part is I will be making four times the money i was doing electrical..


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COWHER said:
COWHER said:
I'm an electrician thats trying to get into sales cuz its a LOT more money and less hard work

WHOOT WHOOT!!!! I'm finally out of electrical and I am now a Sales Executive at Mac Directory Magazine!!! The best part is I will be making four times the money i was doing electrical..

Congrats, Glad you got what you wanted, when do you, or have you allready started?


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5 Year Member
dorton said:
COWHER said:
COWHER said:
I'm an electrician thats trying to get into sales cuz its a LOT more money and less hard work

WHOOT WHOOT!!!! I'm finally out of electrical and I am now a Sales Executive at Mac Directory Magazine!!! The best part is I will be making four times the money i was doing electrical..

Congrats, Glad you got what you wanted, when do you, or have you allready started?

I start on Monday! I have been reading some books on sales and how to better your tactics and I think I'm going to like this job a lot. lol even if i don't like it, the money i Will be making will make it all better who knows maybe I'll get two chacoans!!! I'm going to be training for a month so i wont be getting commission or my salary but Ill still be making $100 bucks more a week working 20 hours than I was making working 40 hours.. Once I'm done with training I'll be back up to full time hours

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