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Ok Cowher you wish people could keep the site clean. Being that the site is now so clean you can't flex your super mod muscles banning people. Therefore you decide to go into power lifting. Just as your going to increase your max bench press your spotter gets a spasm & drops the weights on your neck killing you.
Joey gets that knife becoming one of the most acclaimed serial murderers in the country killing more than 120 people, including britney spears and hugh jackman. But then at a reptile show joey meets striggs and doesnt like his info about breeding tegus only to kill him with none other than the sharp knife he wished joey to have.
okay your typing on your pc while the laptop is charging. so the laptop makes a buzzing noise. you check the computer the memory chips inside have fried. so you go tot he repair store and they say they cant repair it so they replace it with a p mac computer which was 10 dollars. anyway ur typing on tegu talk and it says ur account is deleted the pc shuts off and guess what you die from the anger which caused your brain to explode afterwards which ruins your life.
you know i wished that i could die but come back as the anti christ and ruin the whole world for everybody
Ok so you die and come back as the anti christ and you ruin the whole world for everybody. You ruin it so badly that everybody in the world kills themselves. Now your left all alone and have nobodies life to ruin so you start going crazy and don't know what to do so you turn on yourself and start ruining your own life and end up killing yourself. So you end up dead once again.
I wish to grow old and be able to see my two daughters grow up and have a wonderful life.
you grow old but once your daughters turn 18 you get hit by the birthday cake the cups spill on you the lights on the celing shatter and fall into your eyes so your bleeding. they call 911 but the ambulance crashes from driving so fast. so your injured bleeding and so is everyone else. so you walk get some water and rinse out the remaining glass shards but you cant see well. instead of picking up the phone you pick up a water gun you point it into your ear and it goes deaf cuz it had water and it squirted inside. you put inside your other ear and you go deaf in that ear so now your deaf. you go to the cofee pot but its anti freeze which you didnt know you drank and you started bleeding form your mouth and died instantly.
i wish for my turtles to rule the world so i can get my hammer and break their shells
So your turtles have begun to rule the world and you think that you can stop them by breaking their shells with a hammer. When you look for a hammer the only one you can find is an old hammer that is in really bad condition. Once you find your turtles you tell them what an awful job they have done at ruling the world and it's time for them to meet their maker. As your arm swings back to take a whack at their shell the head of the hammer slips off, bounces off the wall behind you and embeds deep in your brain killing you instantly.
You get done with college and the night of your graduation theres a huge party at your house... Your doing keg stands, when all the sudden the people holding your legs up drop you. you land face first on to the tap and shatter the bridge of your nose and eyesockets, which sends shards of bone straight into your brain. but that doesnt kill you... You forget to swallow the beer in your mouth and drown to death.
I wish everything goes smoothly on my way down to pick up the new Tegu.
you are going to be on your way to get your tegu and you are going to stop at taco bell. while enjoying your cheesey gordita crunch you will be mugged and beat up. and then thrown in the woods, and a deer is going to kill you...
i wish people wherent so fake... make a death out of that one
now that people arnt so fake they dont have to worry about being socially acceptable. because of that people get to live out their deepest desires and someone finds you and tortures you. you eventually die scared, lonely and naked. (poor guy)
you get a house. the owner shakes your hand and the static shocked your brain blood vessels spine and every active organ in your body and it got powerful and more powerful and you died and i took your house after that. next time wear rubber gloves
i wish that my turtles grew faster butt hey got to a certain height not bigger than king kong or anything