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black and white argentine tegu

  1. siennamarina

    Names for tegu!!

    Hello! I'm new to tegu talk and just got this beauty from rose city reptiles! I was wondering if anyone could vote on a name I already like listed in my notes app or have any better ideas! She is female but i do not care if it's orginally a boys name!
  2. C

    New Tegu Owner, Needing Some Reassurances.

    Hello all, my names Timothy and I am a new and very proud owner of my first B&W Tegu, called McGee. I brought McGee home 9 days ago. I do not have an accurate age for McGee, but the store believed about 4/5 months old. I had a 6x3x3 vivarium waiting at home, with a deep substrate (of top soil...
  3. TeguMommy86

    Tegu Sexing Help

    The breeder told us we had a girl when we got our tegu Bluey as a hatchling, but I realize it’s not an exact science at that age. Now that Bluey is a year and a half, I was trying to see if I could spot the bbs everyone’s always talking about in these threads, and I am struggling! Maybe that...
  4. abskidoodle

    B&W free to good home!

    I have an adolescent b&w tegu named Griphook, I think it's a male but I honestly have never checked. I am moving and I won't have the space to make him happy, and he doesn't get nearly as much attention as he deserves and I just want a better life for him. I got him from Petco (I know, bad...
  5. Rueben on cork

    Rueben on cork

    It's been a while since I have been on here but we are still doing well! Rueben has calmed down enough to were I can take him out on a daily basis. I have been giving him steam baths and trying to mix his food with water to help hydrate him. I just picked him up this new cork tunnel to try out!
  6. C

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Hello all! I have recently gotten a tegu. It has been maybe a month so far. Up till now everything has been great the little one has been eating like a champ and shedding well too! I am mainly concerned that our bonding is not going as it should. I firmly believe that our relationship should...
  7. L

    Hi everyone!

    I just got my very first Black and White Argentinian Tegu about 6 weeks ago. I call it Bubba and it is about 12 weeks old now. What are some good suggestions for bonding with it? Also he seems to want to only eat crickets and on occasions chicken. Does that seem normal? Last but not least, well...
  8. palbatross

    Argentine or Colombian

    Just got this Tegu two days ago from an individual seller. Now I’m wondering if it’s not an Argentine, but in fact a Colombian. It does have the two scales between the nostril and eyes on both sides, as well as a line down both sides of the back. The skin also feels beaded, which I heard is an...
  9. C

    Hello from AZ!

    I'm a brand new tegu owner! Just wanted to say hello to you all!
  10. kingghidorah

    Would a black and white Argentine tegu would make a good classroom pet?

    Hi everyone! I'm new here and this is my first post: nice to meet you! For people who've owned and interacted with their black and white tegus daily for a few years now, I was wondering if you could answer a question for me. In a nutshell, my question is: do you think a black and white...
  11. E

    How to acclimate a tegu?

    Hi. I would like to ask for some help again if I may. Currently I own a argentine black n white tegu (unknown sex). I have kept it for 6,5 years and I thino its biological age is around 7 years. It is 98 cm/3 feet or so long. For the last 5 years, I let it roam in my yard that is located...
  12. J

    Looking for tegus for sale or adoption. Within 6 hours of Illinois

    Hello, currently have 3 tegus that are tame and I greatly enjoy spending time with on a daily basis. Not currently breeding just love tegus. Have years of experience with reptiles. Looking to adopt/purchase more tegus. Can provide them a wonderful home. Located in Woodridge Illinois but willing...
  13. E

    Help: need help for making my tegu eat fruit..

    Hello. Can I ask for some tips again about my tegu? Currently I own one tegu that I have kept for 6,5 years and is 7 years old biologically I think. The sex is unknown but some people in here said it is probably a male from the jowl even though it is very small for its age I think (97 or 98-ish...
  14. L

    weighted blanket for tegu

    Hi I have a 2 year old tegu who weighs 13.5 pounds. She always crawls under my queen size mattress and it looks like it crushes her, but every time I move her out from under the mattress and sit on the bed so she can't crawl under it, she claws and scratches the side of the mattress trying to...
  15. Tegutasticc

    What is a Credible Place to Buy Tegus Online?

    Is CBreptile a credible place to buy Tegus online, if not who is? They have hatchlings available at the moment, is it always breeding season? (FOR FUTURE REFERENCE) CBreptile's link: https://www.cbreptile.com/product/argentine-tegu-for-sale/ (ALSO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT Coldblooded...
  16. E

    HELP: sudden aggresion and what to do?

    Hi, I would like ask for some helps or tips from you guys if I may. Currently I have one bw tegu (unknown sex) that is 98 cm long. I have kept it since 6,4 years ago I think but I got no idea for its biological age (probably 7 years old judging by the size when I bought it was 40 cm long?). In...
  17. Cinnamon roll Rueben .jpeg

    Cinnamon roll Rueben .jpeg

    Ive been trying to get that blue shirt to wash and trade out with a new shirt. But he is always curled up inside of it and I cant bring myself to disturb him
  18. Cinnamon roll Rueben w flash.jpeg

    Cinnamon roll Rueben w flash.jpeg

    Ive been trying to get that blue shirt to wash and trade out with a new shirt. But he is always curled up inside of it and I cant bring myself to disturb him
  19. Reuben in pocket

    Reuben in pocket

    Lizard in my pocket
  20. Mutablekitty

    Eating Enough?

    I've had my Tegu for a little over 2 weeks now. He eats occasionally but I'm worried he isn't eating enough. I socialize him when I can. He isn't aggressive or anything but our schedules don't always match up and when that happens I leave some food out for him to munch on but he doesn't seem to...