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Hello All,
I just wanted to introduce myself. I have an approximately one year old black and white Argentine tegu. Lil Nas Rex currently lives in a 4x8x4ft fully decked out enclosure. I joined the forum to gain more knowledge about taking the best care of my Tegu I possibly can. Any advice or...
I have an approximately 1 year old black and white Argentinian tegu. She is currently in a 4x8x4 ft PVC enclosure with around 10-12 inches of substrate. I have a 24 x 30 inch hide with a stone tile basking area on top. It is a bio active set up with live plants, spring tails, and isopods...
I'm eagerly trying to find anyone with any insight I can use regarding me moving to Mexico with my baby Tegu. (driving)
I haven't been able to find anyone who has any sort of experience traveling across the US/Mexico border (either direction) with a reptile. There is NOTHING online I...
Hello, I’m new to Tegu talk, I’m a little worried about our tegu. Me and my fiancé have a 9-10 month old male b&w tegu, he is a good 14-16 inches with tail. We got him back in December of last year and he has been in burmation since then, everything has been great so far, until today, he had...
Hey folks, in a couple of months I'll be bringing home a baby tegu, and I was wondering what your experiences with Arcadia for heating and uvb have been. I've heard good things about Arcadia's 12% uvb bulbs, I think they're pretty solid but I'm mostly curious about basking heat sources. Has...
Long post trying to give as much detail as possible.
I’m a big reptile person we have over 60 animals in my home but this is my first Tegu. Pure blue line hatched on 7/4/21 so he’s six months old today. He was hatched and raised in Florida i live in northern Missouri. We’ve only had him four...
Just got my red tegu today. He is a year old and I have realized a resounding how big hes going to get.
So I wanted to have a cage that I can put in my enclosure.
Anyone has plans for a tegu enclosure? Looking for stuff with like bracing for extra sturdiness.
Wanting to know how to seal the...
Largest reptile event to ever hit Las Vegas. 3 DAY EXPO. 70+ BREEDERS/VENDORS. 1000s of Reptiles, Amphibians, Arachnids and Supplies for Sale..
Friday -November 5, 2021 (12pm-6pm)
Saturday -November 6, 2021 (10am-6pm)
Sunday -November 7, 2021 (10am-5pm)
Santa Fe...
I'm a bit confused or how the caho cs Argentine works..I hot a baby red tegu and the breeder said hes a cahoan red. I was also told reds are Argentine only...anybody have some info to help me clarify? I asked the breeder but havent been answered in over a month. Here's a few pics if that helps...
Recently I've noticed my tegu having a small scar on his head but these past few days it looks worse I think he has scale rot and I think it may be from my parents dog trying to nip at him through the cage and idk any treatment I'll put an image
Does anyone have any ideas on how to get my tegu to stop pooping all over the floor. She likes being out and if she can’t get out she will try and rip the tent to get out. But every time she is out all she does is poop. And I don’t know how to get her to stop.
I just recently bought a 2 month old baby black and white tegu, when I brought him hone he let me pick him up maybe once or twice without issues.. the second day came around and he let me pick him up once, but started whipping a little bit and running.. but on the third day he wanted Nothing to...
Tag Your Reptile Day!
Tagging or microchipping your pet is one if the simplest and most effective ways to keep them safe and also protect Florida’s native wildlife.
The FWC is partnering with zoos and veterinarians across the state to assist owners of tegus and green iguanas by offering free...
Hi all, I would really like to acclimate my blue tegu to the outside world and take him on walks where he can explore, but still be comfortable. I have looked a lot at different pet bag options, trying to find one that would offer enough room for the tail, have enough ventilation, and be visible...