Hello guest! Are you a Tegu enthusiast? If so, we invite you to join our community! Our site is specifically designed for you and it's a great place for Tegu enthusiasts to meet online. Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your Tegu and enclosure and have a great time with other Tegu fans. Sign up today! If you have any questions, problems, or other concerns email [email protected]!
Hi all, I would really like to acclimate my blue tegu to the outside world and take him on walks where he can explore, but still be comfortable. I have looked a lot at different pet bag options, trying to find one that would offer enough room for the tail, have enough ventilation, and be visible...
Hi I have a 2 year old tegu who weighs 13.5 pounds. She always crawls under my queen size mattress and it looks like it crushes her, but every time I move her out from under the mattress and sit on the bed so she can't crawl under it, she claws and scratches the side of the mattress trying to...
Hello I'm new to TeguTalk. I've been doing research on Tegus because I am looking into getting one this year. There are many different debates on free roaming. I am planning on getting a juvenile b&w Tegu, and will provide a 4'x2'x2' enclosure for him/her(since I know they grow fast). Whenever...
Hi, I would like ask for some helps or tips from you guys if I may.
Currently I have one bw tegu (unknown sex) that is 98 cm long. I have kept it since 6,4 years ago I think but I got no idea for its biological age (probably 7 years old judging by the size when I bought it was 40 cm long?). In...
Hi, I would like ask for some helps or tips from you guys if I may.
Currently I have one bw tegu (unknown sex) that is 98 cm long. I have kept it since 6,4 years ago I think but I got no idea for its biological age (probably 7 years old judging by the size when I bought it was 40 cm long?). In...
I heard the other day that you could keep male tegus together if you have a big enough enclosure is this true? I have a young timid male black/white and am wondering if I could introduce a red I know with other lizards this would be a terrible idea but are tegus different?
Hi, I’m pretty new to tegus. I have came across some pictures and videos of underground’s ice line. I particularly like the look of the cherry ice and the lemon ice albinos. When researching I have only come across them for sale in 2018. They have had the ice line since but nothing “cherry” or...
Hi! This is my first post on this website and I'm glad to have found it because it is full of helpful insights and opinions. I was wondering if Reptibark is a SAFE substrate for my Tegu. I read online Pine and Fir are giant NoNo's because of the oils they let off. But I noticed the first...
Here is my 'red tegu'. 3"x5" for reference.
He was purchased from a local Petco and given to me as a gift, for my birthday
I have built an enclosure that by my last post was deemed more than sufficient.
I have been keeping a weight chart since said last post. I have been leaving him some bit's...
My beautiful girl was stolen from my home by someone I know. I’m pleading with all my heart for anyone that is able to provide tips, be on the lookout or help in any way. She could be at any home, business or show!
She’s several years old now, a true Argentine Black and White, and “was” a...
So what are everyone's opinions on the best options for feeder insects? I wouldn't mind hearing what everyone's diet is for their tegus young or old and recommendations are fine as well I'd love to hear those as well. So far I have a hearty cricket colony and mealworms and a dwindling supply of...
Why do some people seem so adamant about not crossing different types of tegus (or other animals for that fact?) Especially considering all of the beautiful kinds we've gotten like the purple and blues.
So I just got a brand new juvenile Argentine black and white. They said he was captive bred and "skittish", but when he shows up he's completely out of control ( attempted biting, flailing, running ) and his stomach was sunken in, he looked like he hadn't eaten in a while. Eventually I calmed...
Hey everyone,
So im a new tegu owner and im still not sure if everything is normal. My gu (haku) arrived almost a week ago now. I know people say to not hold their tegu for a week or so but my tegu just climbed on my hand. Hes about 2 feet so from what i know going through what people call...
so ive had this 2 foot tegu for 3 days now and he is doing great. he would walk into my hand and eat out of it too now. although, i am concerned about his pacing and scratching on the glass. he does this every night, starting at around 7 (wont stop doing it even after his lights are out). is...
Black And White
Tegu Adult
Sex: Female
Origin: Domestically Produced
Birth: 2015
Diet: Frozen/Thawed Mouse
Price: US$399.99
Shipping: 20.00-350.00 (Domestic)