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  1. S

    Hello! And a brumation question.

    Hi everyone! I am a new tegu owner, he is my only reptile at the moment. 3 month old high black male from rose city reptiles. I have some questions about brumation. He was hiding/sleeping for about a week so I reduced light cycles gradually to 8 hours a day and stopped feed, but it appears...
  2. F

    tegu enclosure help

    Ok so i made a bit of a woopsy my male blue tegu is in a 4x2x2 rn and he is def too big about 2.5 feet long we were planning on upgrading to a 8x4 in december but i realized he most likely will be brumating by then and i dont want to move during brumation as that can be stressful so what should...
  3. ruloradio

    Brumation or dying?

    So I have had my juvenile Tegu for about a week now, seemed alert the first day but did spend most of time burrowed. Then daily progression of seeing him less and less. When he would come out he seemed more and more tired and did not come out at all yesterday. The diet he was on prior...
  4. B

    Brumation in summer

    I am a relatively new tegu owner. My tegu, Mango, is one year old. I just learned about Brumation. Mango was a class pet and was well loved. She loved hanging out in students hoodies and sitting on laps. Knowing what I know now I am wondering if she was trying to go into Brumation during the...
  5. Theroseofwar

    5 Month old Tegu brumating / eating very little

    My Gu is about 5 months now, and since the start of December he/she has really started sleeping almost 24/7. he will be down for a couple or few days at a time and then will wake up, bask for a day, and re-burrow for however long. He isn't eating much except for usually a quail egg on the days...
  6. S

    Blue Tegu Small for Age?

    Hi! We got our blue tegu, Kuku, back in Sept 2019. He was about 6-8in long and weighed less than 100 grams. He ended up brumating his first winter, and while we were worried at first, we were told that it's not unusual for hatchling tegus to brumate their first winter sometimes. I had been...
  7. P

    Brumation Question

    I've had a female tegu for a few years. In the past I've had some tunnel style hides in her enclosure, but this year I upgraded her enclosure and her hides to provide a larger more enclosed area. I think the tunnel style hides may have let more light in and kept her from going into full...
  8. S

    New here! I have a Brumation Question

    Hello! I just joined, so I wanted to introduce myself! I'm SammySamSam, and I have a question. First off im new to Tegu ownership so any advice is welcome! I have an Argentine Red Tegu. Though I sadly don't know his exact age. he's still a baby and his name is Sam Crowley or just Sam. Now the...
  9. Mandi&Mushu

    Day cycles messed up

    Hello everyone, My red and blue both have their day and night cycle reversed. My blue blue comes out about 7-9 pm and my Red comes out at least after midnight. I thought my Red was brumating but I've noticed substrate moved where she buries herself so I believe she's coming out in the early...
  10. Marinebio162

    Red Tegu Health (brand new tegu owner in desperate need of help)

    Hey everyone, I have wanted to adopt a tegu for years. I finally got the chance as of around three months ago when my boy Azazel came into my life. About a month into caring for him he stopped eating and started spending most of his time in his hide. Which I assumed meant that he was just...
  11. Shreve

    Easing a Tegu out of Hibernation?

    My juvenile Argentine red tegu has been in hibernation since December 14th and has come out every so often to eat or sunbathe, I'm meaning for a few hours every few weeks. I recently cleaned and reorganized the tank after a move, and it went right back to bed after poking around. The temperature...
  12. Dragon392

    Timid tegu?

    I need some help with my little guy. Male Argentine B&W. I got him in the end of September 2019, as a fresh 2019 baby. In October, he went down for brumation. In the time I got to work with him last year, he was doing okay. He wouldn’t necessarily come to me, but he wasn’t fleeing in terror or...
  13. Kaiju Prince

    Down for six months

    Alright so this is Kai’s second time down for the winter, last winter he would come up occasionally to drink and bask but this year I haven’t seen him at all. He went down mid October same as last year but he was starting to wake up by mid March last year and he’s still down. I’ve started to...
  14. T

    Humidity during hibernation

    I’ve heard different things about this topic so I would like to clear this up. Do tegus need proper humidity while they are down during hibernation. I love the channel “Rose City Reptiles” and he said that tegus do not need humidity while hibernating but I have also heard other things that...
  15. TeguTeep

    Tegu Brumation/Future Breeding?

    Hello all, we have an Argentine B/W female who is supposedly 9 months old (had her for two) but we think she is wild caught from the Everglades (scars on body and yellow/orange belly). We want to breed her next season and we’re wondering if she would be okay to, considering those facts. I’m not...